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  1. H

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Ok, I figured it out. Problem was in my sfall update method. I did simple-minded copy and paste sfall archive without checking folder names. It created new path, because folder with name "scripts" is not the same as "Scripts", and thus game started loading all scripts from new semi-empty folder.
  2. H

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I've got crash with sfall 4.0.4 + RP 2.3.3 after starting game with custom character. Previous version of sfall 4.0.3 is working fine. When I choose preselected character crash do not occur. I reverted to 4.0.3 and is fine again. I am using Linux + wine.
  3. H

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    First you must add your custom resolution to your video card list of resolutions. On ATI (AMD) cards it can be done by registry changes, on intel HD by intel HD control panel (on previous drivers). I've question about changing the area of screen scrolling. When I move game cursor to screen edge...
  4. H

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Thanks so much! PS. I quick made mod to gain perk every level: download (instruction: override the original file in "\Fallout2\data\Scripts)". It works correctly after first level.
  5. H

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Yep, on second gameplay I rarely encounter Kaga, I think is now better while Kaga is not forced to meet. On my travel I come on empty encounter. I guess should be bandits there, but is empty. Savegame: [Win7, RP 2.3.2, no mods, Fallout 2 CD UK no patched]
  6. H

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    [Windows 7 32bit, RP 2.3.2, Fallout CD version, new game] I notice that female dance sequence in New Reno uses default female critter, but my character is red hair chick. Or some kind of a black wig is she using? And after I've killed all Becky guards in Den she is still friendly and I can buy...
  7. H

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Sorry if I repeat, probably some are mentioned already in this thread Suggestions: - ability to grab items that are not visible ( - divide scorpions tails on lesser and large (item graphics are too big for lesser radscorpion...