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  1. R likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Bunch of Negative Nancies around here. I hope Bethesda are making a sequel to Fallout Tactics. That game will make you a gosh darn sexual tyrannosaurus, just like me.
  2. R

    Chris Avellone's Fallout 4 Wishlist

    It sounds a little on the safe side, but I wouldn't mind seeing a future title set in and around San Francisco. Though I think that might have been my least favorite location from Fallout 2, I'd enjoy seeing what could be done to improve it.
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    What Fallout Drug Would You Like to Try in Real Life?

    Turbo + rushing water up in this mother. Those fools won't know what hit 'em, and neither will I.
  4. R

    If NMA died...

    I'd fuck off back to /v/ and enjoy the endless FO3/NV-hate threads.
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    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    As much as I like the WoT series, I'm not sure a game based on it would be that great anyway. I'm much more interested in seeing something original here.
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    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    This is going to turn out to be some kind of freaky-deaky high fantasy deconstruction piece, isn't it?
  7. R

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Dungeon Siege 4, obviously. :P
  8. R

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    Graham. Mobius being a close second. From the main game, I'm going have to say Victor.
  9. R

    Rank the DLC's

    They were all pretty terrible, but for sake of argument.. 1. Dead Money 2. Honest Hearts 3. Lonesome Road 4. Old World Blues DM had the strongest characters and narrative, HH was the most fun to re-play, Lonesome Road was pretty excellent but was sorely hurting for lack of NPCs, and OWB...
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    On people saying that Borderlands and Fallout 3 are the same

    Pepsi is clearly the superior beverage.
  11. R

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    After mulling it over, I've come to the conclusion that the Desert Ranger combat armor is still the best (looking). You could maybe replace the helmet with the more operational Elite riot version.
  12. R

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    I got to wondering the other day if maybe New Vegas would have been better if it would have focused on the BoS/NCR war instead, and kept the Legion as a minor faction, akin to the Powder Gangers. Then again, I know how tired some people are of seeing the Brotherhood, so maybe I'm wrong here.
  13. R

    The Courier: Amnesia or what?

    It's also possible that Ulysses is just a big, fat, crazy liar.
  14. R

    NMA was hacked

    Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!
  15. R

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    Courier duster is obviously the best. The lack of sleeves is a bit dorky, but still. All you need is a hat!
  16. R

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    At this point I'd really just like to see one of the developers come out with an article, or interview explaining some of their choices and design decisions with Lonesome Road. I doubt there will ever be many answers to the questions still needing them, but a little justification for some of...
  17. R

    Gun Runners' Arsenal Details

    Not really feeling what they've shown us so far. Though I will say I've always been disappointed with the lack of mods for the laser and plasma pistols, so that's a plus. Can't say I'm overly thrilled with the direction they went in for the Smitty Special, but I suppose it's better than just...
  18. R

    Unmasking the Gamers: Chris Avellone, part three

    Wow, that was a fantastic article. Really made my morning. Ulysses sounds like a boss.
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    Things we learned from New Vegas

    53. The game was rigged from the start.
  20. R

    Rude awakening: Why Fallout: New Vegas felt incomplete

    Yeah, I might've really screwed the pooch on that one. I'm looking around now and I can't find a solid source on how it works, either. Sorry, guys.