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  1. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Shattered Wasteland OOC

    It has been so dead....
  2. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I did try to find a Connor picture to less luck. Everyone knows II was better ;) But 9/10 for halo looking thing. See, I'm more generous...
  3. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    anime schoolgirls equal cool stuff... 8/10
  4. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Chameleon glared at Jacob. "Peh! As if! Chems are for losers, so do not mistake me for one! Anyhow, the boss wants to letcha know that if ya got 20 caps, theres an opportunity for a good room. I call that a chancd to regroup." Then he glanced to the doctor. "What you looking at?"
  5. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    hmm, welcome. you been on any other forums per chance that I may have met you?
  6. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Chameleon glanced at Edward. He considered refusing, but then he thought it over and decided to complete the task. He might as well get some fresh air, so decided it best to oblige. "Sure, but I wouldn't mind another glass when I get back." Then he set out and went to find the other mercs...
  7. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Roleplay Hello thread

    Welcome to the forums. Please try to refrain from killing any ghouls here, they tend to get touchy. But overall, apart from those deathclaws that wish to rip you apart here, you should be at comfort here. :)
  8. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory

    "Rick huh? Well I'll call you Shaun if I'm ever in a bad mood. And if I am ever in a worse mood? I shall dub ya dead." Then after being asked if it was buffout he was taking, he quickly took offence and slammed his glass down on the counter. Better than whipping a gun out. "You think I'm some...
  9. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Thanks dude, 10/10 Im loving anything to do with art like that+ghost rider. It's an awesome fusion.
  10. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Wish List for Next fallout game

    More better upgrading your equipment. And the return of VATS groin hitting. Oh, and perhaps being able to target specific areas with melee weapons. I have a bigger list, but Im at a blank right now.
  11. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    A suave looker, cheesy grin 7/10
  12. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Chameleon: Broken Memories

    Chapter 3-Part 2 The super mutants were approaching rapidly. Luckily, Chameleon had a few tricks of his own. The stragglers scrambled for their weapons as they took up arms against the upcoming wave. One named Michael looked at Chameleon with withering fear. Then he was dead. A supermutant...
  13. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory OOC

    Looks like it might start picking up speed again. Three cheers for me, and the guy next door. Oh and Scythe.
  14. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Chameleon looked at the new man and replied; "I'm a merc, and I am on a job. But right now, I want some chill time and it won't happen so fast when people like this won't take good advice. Anyway, you look like a Shaun. You a Shaun? Ya must be. So what you doing here then Shaun? Apart from...
  15. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    likin' it. 8/10
  16. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout- Old Glory OOC

    I'm still active but have been waiting patiently for someone else to post. Like you, I also find the time despite school.
  17. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    you are not alone ;) Welcome Fujikay
  18. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    pretty basic but firefox 7/10
  19. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Reminds me of a cat I once had. 8/10