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  1. L

    I forgot to remember to forget Quest

    So, is there any diffrence between the 1st Recon Survival Armor and the 1st Recon Assault Armor? Is it like ED-Es Armor/Weapon upgrades, or is the difference just cosmetical? And does the choice affect the boones ending?
  2. L

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    9/10 PS: I like how my last post got completely ignored lol
  3. L

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7.5, not bad
  4. L

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    If your Strengh or your Gun Skill is under the requirments for your gun, it will be really inaccurate. Higher perception is just good for higher detect range, means you can spot enemies earlier.
  5. L

    Building the Perfect Wastelander.

    For my V. Hard/Hardcore Run: S: 4+1 (Intense Training) P: 5 E: 8 (for all implants, except the charisma one) C: 1 I: 9 A: 5+1 (Small Frame) L: 8 Traits: Four Eyes, Small Frame Tagged Skills: Guns, Repair, Sneak I plan to wear the Lucky Shades, the 1st Recon Beret and the...
  6. L

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Let's give it a 2/10 Hope the YouTube thing works now...
  7. L

    How do YOU create a character?

    I don't know if something like that already excist here, but how do you create your characters? I don't want to discuss about specific numbers from your SPECIAL or chosen your traits/tagged skill here, I want to talk about why you created your character the way you did. Are your chosen...
  8. L

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    I don't know why, but the Wind Brahmin salesman somehow spawned in Quarry Junction between 2 deathclaws and sold me some brandnew Wind Brahmins. After the conversation, he got attacked by the deathclaws and died :(
  9. L

    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    I've over 50 Antivenoms from legion assassins with me, so the poison isn't a problem for me. I ussually use a flamer against cazadors if they are in bigger groups, it works well. The only problem I have is if they hit companions just one time, they will die by poison and theres nothing you...
  10. L

    funniest moments from fallout games

    The moment I ate Mortimer with the Cannibal Perk. Lol what an irony!