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  1. R

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    oo and i never finished new vegas thought it was pointless. im more of a borderlands person as opposed to games like skyrim.. if that makes sense..
  2. R

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    fallout 3 has these memorable gaming moments. you coould say that all the choices made, all the places explored are nothing special when compared to oblivion or skyrim or any of those sorts of games, but for people like me, who think that fallout 3 is one of the best games i have played, it...
  3. R

    superhuman gambit mystery!

    Soo new here but I am playing through fallout 3 again cause there is all kinds I didn't do the first time but I'm stumped on this superhuman gambit business. I'm not lost I went and killed the ant lady, I took her outfit and ended up selling it in megaton cause I'm a cheap skate but then I went...