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  1. FOvet

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    68Y--eye specialist. I am thinking of changing my MOS after my first term though. I originally wanted to be 68W--healthcare specialist, but they didn't have room available. When I got to basic training, I found out why--half my freaking battery were 68W loool!!! Well idk. I'm in San Antonio for...
  2. FOvet

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi guys! I'm back again after a long haietus! Some of you might remember me posting I was going through army basic training. Well I finished now, and made it to AIT so I can now have access to my phone and electronics again. I'll be back to posting off and on, joining fallout debates as usual...
  3. FOvet

    Why is Fallout 3 so loved ?

    Getting this back to the topic; I guess people realize by now that I'm a big fan of Fallout 3. THAT SAID, my username also reflects my familiarity with the first two fallout games. In particular, I like Fallout 2, though this may have to do more with having a much less rushed timeframe to play...
  4. FOvet

    Cazadors or Deathclaws?

    I. HATE. effing. Cazadores. I hate them and love them at the same time. They are the biggest most annoying pain in the ass game monster I've ever faced. And at the same time, I do thoroughly enjoy the rush of running into a pack of them and being like "omg, wtf do I do, sheeeeet!" The problem...
  5. FOvet

    Best song to listen to whilst roaming?

    Big Iron--I loved that song long before New Vegas, and I still love it now. It's my favorite song to listen too when out roaming the wastelands. I also like Ain't That a Kick in the Head, and I sometimes find myself singing along to Heartache by the Number. I like pretty much the entire...
  6. FOvet

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    I feel the same way, for me getting a piece of armor or weapon that makes things almost a breeze is a reward, and for me, takes zero fun away from the experience of playing. I always found it rather dumb how in some RPGs, (at least ones that allow you to keep playing after you beat the game)...
  7. FOvet

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I am very impressed with killaps work. and lets not forget that he does thls as a hobby not a job. If he is a bit late or even a lot late (:p) I don't mind being patient and waiting. At worst I'd just suggest stop giving a solid release timeframe for the update release. As fun as Fallout 2 is...
  8. FOvet

    Weird bug I cannot find an explanation for

    I can't help ya but I do synpathize. I once had a bug on the xbox versoon of new vegas where I'd enter that huge ncr camp (the name escapes me for the moment) and get stuck in an endless coversation loop. the guy that aproaches you for an auto convo would initiate conversarion and it would...
  9. FOvet

    Is there a way to run this windowed like with Fallout 2?

    Hey awesome! If I'm not in Basic Training by the time you guys get the patch up, I'd love to test it for ya :)
  10. FOvet

    Is there a way to run this windowed like with Fallout 2?

    Ah, damn--that sucks because I like to be on skype while doing other stuff :( Hey, any modders out there want to take on the project? :P :P FO2 had no windowed mode either before modders got ahold of it xD
  11. FOvet

    Is there a way to run this windowed like with Fallout 2?

    So I downloaded Tactics awhile ago from GoG back when they were offering all 3 of them for free--1, 2, and Tactics. Now I'm wondering if I can run Fallout Tactics in windowed mode? I have been trying to find a way to do this, but in the video configuration options, I don't yet see anything, and...
  12. FOvet

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    Oh, in Fallout 1 and 2, next to headshots, groin shots were some of my *favorite* to make. There's nothing quite as satisfying as having a male raider taunt you and then critting him in the groin, sending him flying back about 5 hexes and insta-killing him. Oh yes, I loved my targeted groin...
  13. FOvet

    Who would you consider to be the badass in the Fallout Series?

    Oh yeah, Frank Horrigan scores top slot in sheer, 100% pure bad-assery all around. I'd also suggest Cassidy, and Veronica from New Vegas--she was total badass too! Cassidy's daughter was fun, so was Boone, but they just don't quite match up to Cassidy! Someone that hasn't been mentioned, which...
  14. FOvet

    Who else REALLY hated Amata?

    I actually thought the Wasteland Survival Guide was a really good idea. And while Moira may be a bit...well, loopy, to be kind (I do love her character and personality though, she's probably my favorite from Fallout 3), she IS a survivor and has experience working with traders and adventurers...
  15. FOvet

    Serious question:

    In Fallout 2, I can't say any character really made me feel that way. I think the closest would be, like Snap said, First Citizen Lynette. Like him, I felt obligated to suck up to that b***ch, but I didn't like it. I think also the talking Deathclaws were really unsettling for me when I first...
  16. FOvet

    The most interesting and balanced choices of the Franchise

    I agree with everything you have said about The Pitt addon Naosano. Sadly I can't speak for Fallout Tactics (I haven't had any time to play it though I have downloaded it from GoG a while back), nor can I speak for the downloadable content from New Vegas because I only have vanilla. What you...
  17. FOvet

    Secret ending in Fallout 2

    O.o....*turns off Fallout 2 and never plays it again* xD
  18. FOvet

    THIS should be the next Fallout Title song!!!

    Actually you make a very good point. I suppose they are rather jokey, but I do love the messages in them. At *very* least I'd love to see these two as radio station songs both of them. They were even written in the right era. I really like the second song for a Fallout title, it has a really...
  19. FOvet

    Fallout Haiku

    Tandi, young and lean It is that time of the month Glad I'm not Ian Next: You are wandering through the Mohave and come across the Alpha Deathclaw armed with only a .32 pistol :D
  20. FOvet

    THIS should be the next Fallout Title song!!!

    I first heard this song and I thought of Fallout instantly. How amazing if this were the title song to the next Fallout? It was written in 59 and the lyrics are just perfect! It is also a great song for a laugh! Come on NMA, what ya think--good title song for the series? xD xD