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  1. F

    Does finesse do any effect if my luck level is 10?

    get boone as a companion, make sure you get his 1st recon beret, raise ur luck to 10, get finesse as a perk, i bet u get 25% or better for crit chance
  2. F

    Weapon Recommendations Thread: Firearms

    i'm a big fan of sniping, so naturally, i get every sniper rifle i can, ammo can be an issue however, so i get Lincon's repeater ASAP, that helps with closer up baddies due to it shooting .44 rounds. and for the way weaker stuff, a hunting rifle. the lever action rifle is also nice to use...
  3. F

    Is ED-E supposed to be like... this?

    get a rifle with a scope, the ratslayer comes to mind, even hard things can be brought down with a 5.56 round fired from the ratslayer, make sure your crouched and try to sneak whenever possible, you'll get extra damage with critical hits, or just change his weapon to melee, he's real nifty to...