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  1. Milly

    Can you think of any good challenges?

    Other than the ironman one... I've even beaten the game using throwing only as my only attack skill. I was thinking of making a ironman/no steampaks run (using doctors, the doctor skill and things like fruit) but I fear it will be a bit cumbersome to play, relying too much on sneak, but perhaps...
  2. Milly

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I'm playing as a stupid evil character. I killed all the shi in SF, including the guards from that grant access to the submarine in the docks. In the restoration walkthrough it's stated that stupid characters don't have to make the submarine quest to advance to the enclave, but anytime I try to...
  3. Milly

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I'm getting this all the time I try to open Fallout2.exe: I tried re-installing, disabling the hi-res patch but haven't got any results:puppy-dog:
  4. Milly

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    This happened to me too. I had to use all my stimpacks on him to advance.
  5. Milly

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Oh yeah, that did the trick... I'm stupid :P So far I haven't found bugs, a good beta indeed :clap:
  6. Milly

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Playing through the beta right now, I have a problem. In the "ghost quest" at the primitive village, the ghost won't appear at midnight. I examined her cadaver, talked with the shaman (and consequently assigned me the quest) but the spirit won't appear. I wait and wait and wait without success...
  7. Milly

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Hi, I would like to know if there's new playable critters (through the Hero appeareance mod) included in this version, specially females... or if you plan to when the final version is out. Keep the good work!
  8. Milly

    Unusual things/playthroughs to do?

    I want to replay the first fallout (I've played too much the second) and I would like to try new things. I'm thinking of doing a throwing/science character, even if it serves not purpose. It doesn't matter difficulty or a optimal pathaway, just looking for ideas, it could be anything, character...
  9. Milly

    Vault Boy pics for the Hero Appearance Mod

    Does somebody still have the contents from the mediafire links? two of them don't work... :?
  10. Milly

    [Hero Appearance mod] Having trouble with adding characters

    First of all, excuse any mistake in my english! My problem: I'm trying to include a female character. I have restoration installed, I can select the pre-installed males (long hair, bald guy), but I cannot get to add female characters. I'm trying to add the blond girl from this topic...