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  1. M

    Merk: Remaded Mercury Eight LeadSled sprite.

    Thanks for sharing. :ok:
  2. M

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    The first one work just fine, and thanks for others creatures. :twisted:
  3. M

    [WIP]Brotherhood Bus

    Well the history of FT sprites is clear there where only few ones that created high quality sprites like: darin, that is enought to dispel your theory. I't no big deal download free tank model and put that in game even i can that, but i'm not brave enought to share that. I use windsom in...
  4. M

    [WIP]Brotherhood Bus Well i asked der Fluger to create spr. just like this bus, he was saying that when the others project will be finished he make bus. I supose you shoud contact him since he is probably active user with the greatest windsom about vehicles.
  5. M

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Hello nice work, i have a question do you still have your old sprites : Female Succubus Sprite New Mutant Assassin lady And could upload them.
  6. M

    NPC Highwayman sprite.

    I see you working Hard :ok:
  7. M

    Change Portrait Style?

    Well i find what was mentioned earlier by me Try conntact Retlaw83 he my know something but i don't know if he is still in "fallout" , he sometimes log in devian
  8. M

    Highwayman sprite.

    Looks awesome, well done!!!! :clap:
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    Change Portrait Style?

    Well i am not a expert but i remember some one was asking similar question and repply was HARD CODED
  10. M

    New vehicles sprites (demo).

    Once again :clap: I am really glad that talented people like you decide to improve FT Thank you so much, your work extend BOS life All the best.
  11. M

    New vehicles sprites (demo).

    Thank's for the answer "we" is that means you are a team of modelers, that's even better info. I really appreciate you considering that bus. Well i was trying to make some vehicle truck, but the effect was really sad, since your vehicles look very nice :clap: , i know to some extent your...
  12. M

    New vehicles sprites (demo).

    Thank you the talented one, Fallout realy need's some more vehicles. Well i have 2 questions 1 Could you create car like that "" KatzSmile probably dropped this project and i can't contact him. 2 Or amazing Bos Bus