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  1. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Guys which version do you suggesst I try, Fixed one or Crazy Edition?
  2. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Ive already installed the mod a few days back and the translation, do i need to re-download the mod from your link and add the new translation over? ALso mind me, what's new in the update :?D
  3. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Where can i download the mod and the english translation?
  4. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    is there anyway to run this mod via steam? edit : I've figured I'd add the fallout fixit shortcut as a non steam game shortcut then run it and it works.
  5. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I understand what you mean :P it can be a pain to plan to start the game from start and decide to wait for that planned update in 1 week for the mod, you wait, it doesn't come, you wait some more still doesn't xD might as well have played the game but the time have passed. But it's a great mod...
  6. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    is it unplayable or anything? Is it an update necessary? I plan to get this that's why i ask.
  7. MasacruAlex

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    man, if I'd get those 2 instead of let's say Fixt, are there chances that I'll have a more stable/crashless game compared to using Fixit which i read is in alpha? What do you suggest I get? I just want to avoid having bugs, I know there might be either way, but the less the better.
  8. MasacruAlex

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    Ah thanks for explaining man, I guess i'll take the taunts over floating damage then :D i prefer that.
  9. MasacruAlex

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    It shows bothway, chat log too, but when you shoot at someone above his head in red it shows the damage and then it fades away. Like you do a burst and it causes 210 damage and it shows that.
  10. MasacruAlex

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    Is there any mod for FO1 to make damage appear above the head? SO when I deal 50 damage to someone it floats above his head instead of checking the log eachtime? Like in the multiplayer?
  11. MasacruAlex

    Bloom in Fallout 2

    Make sure in case you use xfire that you turn in game chat off for fo2 and if not, if you got the steam version, try disabling in game community chat (and all that stuff) by going to fo2's properties via steam. Oh well and obviously make sure you use the version OP uses and not the one you...
  12. MasacruAlex

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Thanks a lot, i hope it comes out really soon, planning to start fo2 from 0 and this time i plan to finish it :D just waiting for this patch to finally hit.