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    I blew up Megaton (PS3)

    [spoiler:d631ef5980]galaxy news radio. seriously.[/spoiler:d631ef5980]
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Greetings, fellow vault dwellers. I've been kindly referred to this thread by Woo1108. I've been lurking around this useful forum for about 3 years. I got a lot of awesome files from here like the wonderful patches for fallout 1. I'm a historian-in-becoming on the university so I don't have as...
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    Has the Fallout series ended for you, Bethesda/Fo3 haters?

    I came to this forum to escape the bethesda/obsidian madness. And then I bump into this. War. War never changes. (that felt pretty appropriate for a first post.)