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  1. B

    Characters problem

    have you read the stickies? I think it has specific descriptions on how to add characters there...
  2. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    thanks a lot guys, had a problem with running FT Improver, forgot to run it in admin lol... I'm going off to try some things now, thanks a lot again :clap:
  3. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    thanks a lot guys, works great... it seems the assault armor have complete animation sequences, can I add it as another armor and use it in game? or the only way is to just rename it again?
  4. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    oh okay, so I'm assuming if I rename for example raider armor to leather armor anyone wearing leather armor will have the raider armor .spr right? what about those custom armors you guys made, I happen to see some of them, will it work with them too? thanks thanks
  5. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    rename raider armor to leather armor and that's it? sorry if I can't test it right now, I'm not at home lol, thanks thanks, I'll try that later
  6. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    oh sorry, I wasn't clear... I was thinking of just changing the looks of the armors... like I'm wearing leather armor but it would look like raider armor...
  7. B

    armor sprite tutorial

    hi guys, I'm new here... I don't know if I'm just lazy or I just couldn't find some simple and decent armor sprite tutorials out there, can anyone give me some tidbits about it... I was thinking of making leather armor look like maybe raider armor or reaver armor, is that possible? and how can I...