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  1. DerGogan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    Yep ... Fallout is now definitely dead.
  2. DerGogan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    I hope Keegan Michael Key got a lot of money for this shit. Loved him, but this is ... utterly garbage.
  3. DerGogan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    Jesus Christ ... How fucking stupid is it to let Andrew WK perform on the E3, where most of the attending folk is media journalist ... It's embarrassing to see the band rock it and the crowd just sitting there. Would be amazing with an actual crowd, like GamesCom in Germany.
  4. DerGogan

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    Pete Hines @ PAX West 2017 Short statement regarding the CC: (Starts at 3:48)
  5. DerGogan

    Best Companion For Build

    Get JIPs "Companions Command and Control" (" and take all of them with ya .... !!11einseinself
  6. DerGogan

    Old J.E. Sawyer GDC talk about New Vegas now freely available on YouTube

    Holy shit, this video should've been THE tutorial video for Bethesda how to make a good (Fallout) game. Thank you for the news and link.
  7. DerGogan

    Planescape EE by Beamdog?

    What a fucking stupid comment. @topic Here's a livestream video with Chris Avellone talking about the Enhanced Edition:
  8. DerGogan

    Fallout sequels compared to movie sequels

    What? BTTF 2 > BTTF 3 ...
  9. DerGogan

    Fallout sequels compared to movie sequels

    @ R.Graves After thinking about it, your list is actually kind of fitting. I would say you could compare New Vegas a little bit to Fury Road. It's more modern, it's fucking epic and amazing. But from the first second on, you can see the origin.
  10. DerGogan

    Planescape EE by Beamdog?

    Looks kind of promising, specially when MCA himself is involved. But I hope his name is not only there for marketing purpose.
  11. DerGogan

    Fallout 4's weapons lacking variety?

    Waaaaait Randal, intented by whom? The base game of "FO"4 is less than a mediocre game on it's own. We all can say for sure, they didn't have that much meetings to get balance, variety and stuff right.
  12. DerGogan

    Future ( bethesda's) Fallout with Chris Avelonne

    I don't think that MCA, as a freelancer nowadays, could be a lead anything (designer, writer. etc.) on any projects. Esp. not on a Beth title. Way too much involvement needed.
  13. DerGogan

    Fallout 4's weapons lacking variety?

    "It just works"
  14. DerGogan

    Gamespot interview with Todd Howard - "Trying to tell better stories"

    Never ever. They are for sure the biggest butt buddies out there.
  15. DerGogan

    Favorite Companion in Fallout 4?

    The Dog ... Didn't have the nerve to play this game way longer to see the other ones
  16. DerGogan

    Gamespot interview with Todd Howard - "Trying to tell better stories"

    Just wanted to share this with you guys:
  17. DerGogan

    Is Todd Howard a good game developer?

    He is? Did he sleep with your wife? Set your cat on fire? ...
  18. DerGogan

    What would have to be the worst occupation in the Fallout world?

    Companion of Lone Wanderer or Sole Survivor
  19. DerGogan

    Fallout minecraft

    Had to check the date ... maybe I fell, banged my head really hard and woken up on April 1st.