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  1. CheesyBorders

    Fallout 2 runs at a low FPS on new computer Windows 10

    I've experienced this problem before with Fallout Tactics. It's likely the same problem, so I'll give you a few steps. 1:Try running the program in compatibility mode for Windows 95/98/XP 2:If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to stick to classic mode, which is what I did for tactics. 3:If...
  2. CheesyBorders

    What was your favorite ending for New Reno in Fallout 2?

    Title is pretty self explanatory. What ending do you think would benefit New Reno the best, weather it be for New Reno's growth, or your own personal enjoyment? Personally, I like the "Ash Friday" ending the best, but that's probably just out of my love for mob movies.