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  1. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    You certainly implied it with this: "Yes, but still you haven't properly addressed the other arguments that perk system of Fallout 4 objectively doesn't work in an RPG" "You had your preferences, yes, but Bethesda dared to call Fallout 4 an 'RPG', and therefore it SHOULD OBJECTIVELY be judged...
  2. AccountNameM

    Which would you pick?

    Which would you pick?
  3. AccountNameM

    This is objectively better then Twitter.

    This is objectively better then Twitter.
  4. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    In what way did I misrepresent what you said? I'm allowed to make assumptions off the basis of how you view things and your prior history, and it's pretty damn clear you hate Fallout 4. If you didn't p, why would you be on this site? You're literally doing the exact thing you claim I'm doing...
  5. AccountNameM

    Fallout 3, Could it have been a good game?

    I really enjoyed Fallout 3, although the combat system was incredibly frustrating at times.
  6. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    Thank you for insulting me even though I did nothing of the sort to you. Let's just start with a simple question: Why do I consider Fallout 4 an RPG and I feel its perk system allows me player freedom? Why is that, even if I have played New Vegas? Am I wrong? You're constantly drilling home...
  7. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    You're misunderstanding what I'm saying, by "one's own preference for how one should play", I mean "how a person, who likes RPGs, in the context of the Fallout series and similar, thinks how an RPG should work, according to them". You're reading the sentence literally, but I guess you can't be...
  8. AccountNameM

    Deathclaws in Fallout 4

    Bit vague, care to elaborate?
  9. AccountNameM

    Deathclaws in Fallout 4

    I reckon there the best iteration to date. Even if Fallout 4 is despised on here, the models for the game were very well done. The animation was top notch as well.
  10. AccountNameM

    Fallout 4 is objectively written.

    Fallout 4 is objectively written.
  11. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying: "While I simply see this aspect as a means to skip bullshit quests (looking at you OWB), many fans see it as one of the significant ways of impacting the world." "Listen, the way I apply what an RPG is and isn't is completely different to...
  12. AccountNameM


  13. AccountNameM

    About Fallout 4's companion system

    "F4 is dogshit and every single positive comment is a simple bait." I was originally just responding to that, if you missed it. I also assume this isn't hyperbole, which given what else is said on here, isn't too far fetched to think IMO.
  14. AccountNameM

    The world will end when "Shill" is used seriously.

    The world will end when "Shill" is used seriously.
  15. AccountNameM

    About Fallout 4's companion system

    Fair point, I'm just thinking in terms of the Fallout series, not the industry standard.
  16. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    This all depends on the definition of an "RPG", or, in this sites case, one's own preference for how one should play. In the end, to put it simply without looking over every perk/skill, both perks and skills do the same thing in the end (aside from a couple exceptions), which is: * Allow...
  17. AccountNameM

    About Fallout 4's companion system

    Because the point to begin with didn't use screenshots at all? You're asking me to assume word of mouth is better then screenshots themselves, and it's a bit difficult to do that, so I decided to use actual images instead of the first thing I could think of. Still, you've got the right idea...
  18. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    Care to explain why I'm being ignored? In all honesty, I want to know.
  19. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    "It's a well deserved shitting at least, and while most fallout 4 fans can only say it's fun because i like it's because it's fun, these reviews/this review at least plainly states the facts it has to back it up. F4 Fun fans vs Facts. I'm smelling a triggered safe-space needing special...
  20. AccountNameM

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    This reaction really brings to mind the word "bethdrone". Who started it, and who uses it? Doesn't really matter, but what does it mean? Invalidating anything a fan of Bethesda says because you disagree with them. Like I should do here, because I disagree with a fair amount of users here!