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  1. Van_Buren

    Results of the Van Buren Power Armour Vote!

    Original thread and info about the mod/project can be found here for context. The winner of the vote was the T-40 closely followed by the T-44 so the Vault Tec Power Armour will be the T-40, designed to be happy and cloy concealing Vault Tec’s (as you already know from the Vault experiments)...
  2. Van_Buren

    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    No worries - I can't take credit for the armor myself, though I am an artist, and I think there's some value in your criticism. I'm also very proud of my team's concepts, but part of the reason we wanted to share our work (again) with NMA is that you guys take Fallout really seriously.
  3. Van_Buren

    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    Thanks for the input, Baird. Some of the armors were drawn with utility-work in mind, so it's true that they might suffer from less maneuverability when in combat. None the less, some adjusting always has to be done when you go from concept to sprite. :P
  4. Van_Buren

    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    Hey everyone, If you're not familiar with it already, Van Buren: A Fallout RPG is a mod that hopes to recreate what might have become of Black Isle Studio's Fallout 3, using the FOnline Engine. We have been working on this project for several years now, using the numerous design documents that...