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  1. Bond Fan

    Fallout porn, for real

    I guess minor stuff is normal. Like, I am super into babes with long brown hair But some fetishes like feet and domination are downright strange. If your into that kind of stuff; you need to make a permanent visit to the loony bin.
  2. Bond Fan

    What DVD?

    What DVD?
  3. Bond Fan

    Oh dear. Time to start hording bottlecaps lads. Here might be a good start...

    Oh dear. Time to start hording bottlecaps lads. Here might be a good start:
  4. Bond Fan

    What was it you found lacking about what I thought was an excellent job?

    What was it you found lacking about what I thought was an excellent job?
  5. Bond Fan

    Who needs emotion and stuff like that. The fact that it was Liam Neeson was enough for me. He...

    Who needs emotion and stuff like that. The fact that it was Liam Neeson was enough for me. He is such a bad ass that he does not even need to try and it is good
  6. Bond Fan

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    What are your top five favorite games? Don't list any Fallout games though. World of Warcraft Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  7. Bond Fan

    Opinions on Communism

    I am surprised @Illuminati Confirmed! hasn't commented on how much he likes my avatar yet. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, white....... Anyway, moving back to the subject, what do you guys think the world would have been like if the Soviets won the Cold War?
  8. Bond Fan

    Opinions on Communism

    That is a stupid statement. Get the fuck out of my thread.
  9. Bond Fan

    Opinions on Communism

    Actually all of what I listed happened in the USSR and these things were introduced by Stalin. Your correct about the holiday homes though.
  10. Bond Fan

    Opinions on Communism

    Hi, I'd like to hear your opinions on the Soviet Union. Would you live in the SU/similar country? Personally, I would rather live in a capitalist country, however the SU didn't seem that bad a place. Full employment Guarenteed pension Free healthcare and education Subsidized holidays (cheaper...
  11. Bond Fan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Clerks /7 If you liked that movie, you might be interested in this:
  12. Bond Fan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I like it 7/10
  13. Bond Fan

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    Dude, what about that wasn't clear. You missed out the saving for other games part. I guess it must affront you guys that I prioritise other games before Fallout.
  14. Bond Fan

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    Nothing wrong with thinking ahead. Also, any normal time I would probably buy 1 and 2, I am just getting back into WOW, and I have been waiting for DOW 3 since 2009 so of course its a bigger priority for me.
  15. Bond Fan

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    I bought Fallout 4 first because I prefer it to 1 and 2 Jokes of course
  16. Bond Fan

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    Oh well never mind. I am bored of this discussion. If you don't mind I'm off to play Fallout 4.