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  1. GonZo_626

    political test leanings?

    Didn't this thread use to be about a political test? Why the fuck do I disappear for awhile and come back to find AOC porn and such? Weird.....
  2. GonZo_626

    Corona Virus = Money Inflation

    I heard bottle caps may be a good investment.....
  3. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Do you like when they come from a can?
  4. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Hmmm you don't seem to know much about the conflict with Iran, which is not a US started thing but the Fucking British again (Europeans keep fucking shit up for others to clean up) The Americans yes have some to do with it but as typical were dragged in by the fucking Euro's, just like fucking...
  5. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Blah blah blah Trump bad.... Your right they should not have had to invade on a completely fabricated lie, but on the truth that So Damn Insane there was a genocidal prick who was wiping out the Kurds, but you know the US allies did not find that a good enough reason..... “The only thing...
  6. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    No but it is very easy when you are not the one making the decisions to look at them and go they are bad decisions. I fully think the US should have killed that guy a lot sooner as he is responsible for ordering tons of terrorist attacks against them, and in general doing more to destabilize...
  7. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Uugghh Trump impeachment again... you do know that the laws surrounding impeachment are so loose that somebody can be impeached in congress for anything that congress thinks is impeachable?
  8. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Perhaps. But I was only bringing up the nukes to show that him ordering a drone strike is small stuff compared to what his theoretical power is. People seem worried about his tweets again.
  9. GonZo_626

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Is Trump not the commander and chief of the military? I know congress has the ability to declare war, and they control the purse strings, but from my understanding of the military they are under the direct control of the commander and chief. So while he cannot declare war, he can pretty much...
  10. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I am going to quote myself here to answer you. And that sir is some fuckery!
  11. GonZo_626

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    Many conservatives support social programs that we can afford not consistently taking on more debt in the hope that it will balance out in the future... I said no straw man arguments in my last and I am not talking about authoritarian rule. You started this thread based upon communism, not to...
  12. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well it was a country music concert in the US, they probably were armed and no it would not. There is nothing that could have been done to prevent that tragedy, He had no criminal record or bad mental evaluations. He used firearms that are perfectly legal throughout most of the world...
  13. GonZo_626

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    Uuummm, no. World poverty is at record lows. I keep seeing people saying that poverty is getting worse, but there are no statistics anywhere that actually prove that, maybe as outliers in some areas but...
  14. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    It is amazing how quickly a shooting can end when those being shot at have the ability to defend themselves. Seconds. Too bad the college student did not have a gun, maybe we would not have had to name a jedi after him in his memory.
  15. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    See you know how i know you are a authoritarian. You consider guns a problem. You have zero compromise which gun owners have been doing for around 90 years now. The thing is if you cant trust someone with a gun it does not matter if its semi, full, or a manual action they can be dangerous. But...
  16. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Its a Christmas time miracle that we can we can agree on something.
  17. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I am for universal health care access yes, I do not go for how Canada or the UK do it with all government services as I think the private industry has a place, but yeah I consider it an essential service and good for the all round health and livability of a country. Do not call it free though...
  18. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Wow a what 30% at best turn in rate is considered successful to you just because the US does worse? In essence all you did is make 70% of guns that would never be used in a crime now crime guns that since the owners are now criminals in your eyes they might as well just sell them to people with...
  19. GonZo_626

    Gun Control Yeah its really working out for them.
  20. GonZo_626

    Climate Change is not real!

    Man I never knew Europeans were so against free movement and immigration, just face it he ditched you for a new cool continent and persona.