age of empires

  1. ResetRPG

    (Xbox Release) Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Thread

    Just got the Xbox release of AOE II: DE, and it still holds up as one of the greatest RTS games, and one of my personal favorites. The QoL improvements are great, and it's definitely worth buying if you want to jump back into the series or replay AOE II specifically. Thoughts on the game?
  2. The_Proletarian

    Age of Empires IV

    Age of Empires 4 released yesterday. I'm a little bit tempted since I really like RTS. However I'm still not finished with the recent AoE3: DE so I might wait a while. Anyone playing? I have found this youtube channel by AussieDrongo to be really good when it comes to AoE3&4. It's worth...