
  1. C

    The .44 Pistol has a very curious and impossible flaw

    Hello everyone! I've been a silent observer of this site for years, finally decided to join up. Anyways, many of the guns in Fallout 4 have some flaw design that everyone has covered at some point. But nobody noticed one of the biggest ones in the entire game, and one that for me personally is...
  2. TerminallyChill

    Classic Fallout Gameplay Flaws (Also New Vegas)

    It's no secret that Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout New Vegas are beloved by fans of the series for having things like a meaningful RPG system, reactive worlds, and high levels of internal narrative consistency. No game is perfect though, which is why I'm asking you, what did these revered...
  3. TerminallyChill

    Best/Worst Of Fallout Game Design

    What exactly makes the Fallout games good? What are their biggest flaws? Let's try our best to be as articulate as possible so that maybe one day, some aspiring game developer can learn from this thread. What makes Fallout good in my opinion: 1. A universal character building system that is...