
  1. NMLevesque

    How would nuclear batteries and fuel cells work?

    So, setting aside that later games take the 'whatever we want it to do and not be able to do, and will change our mind about repeatedly' approach, I'm curious as to what these are even supposed to be slash could/should be. Which is to say the miniature reactors are a nope for me. I can sort of...
  2. Ragemage

    Just Realized Something About FO4 Vertibirds

    Sorry if this has already been brought up before, and if it has, can you guys link to the forum post about it? Thanks. Anyway, the Vertibirds in Fallout 4. They shouldn't exist. At all. First of all, Vertibirds run on gasoline, of which there is none. Zilch. Zip. The last preserve of gasoline...