save game problems

  1. Kuratoriki

    game crashes when loading ALL saves from vanilla fallout

    So i've downloaded fallout fixt, i chose the "PURISTS NOT ALLOWED" type of installation with everything done correctly but when i open the game, the saves from the vanilla game aren't there even when "delete all saves" isn't selected in the setup wizard. So i copy and paste the SAVEGAME folder...
  2. FalloutBruhMoments

    Can't save my game, please help, Fallout 2

    I accidentally changed the "read only" folder setting in my SAVEGAME folder and now i cant save my game anymore, can i have some help please. It's installed to my desktop, i just made a new clean install, i'm using Killap's RP and Burn's new updated RP. Was messing around in the save editor...