the courier

  1. TheKingofVault14

    Where & When Did The Courier Get All of These Items From? (Courier's Stash Add-on)

    Okay, I know at this point I'm probably nitpicking, perhaps even overthinking all of this. But I've always wondered where & when did The Courier get all of this equipment from? Like for example the Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit, which would've essentially belonged to The Vault Dweller, where the...
  2. NMLevesque

    The Courier's brain is the craziest part of OWB

    Somehow Old World Blues just gets more confusing the closer you look at it. One might assume that it's what happens when a story centers around senile mad scientists, whose memories and senses were altered to confuse them. However, the weirdest part of OWB has nothing to do with such handwaves...
  3. MojaveMoproblems

    The Couriers path makes no sense to me.

    Okay maybe I'm just stupid or forgetting something but explain this to me. First, if the Courier got the package in Primm why did he go North to Goodsprings? Did he not know about the Deathclaws in Quarry Junction, therefore barring him from continuing North to New Vegas, and getting him...