10 year old leaves vault during birthday party NEED HELP


First time out of the vault
need help because i can't use certain objects if i'm a child... i think it has to do with quest related objects.

I shall explain the process i did it.
At BDay party when u get out of the party room there is a locked door down the hall. (get bb gun first to allow the use of weps, or use a console command to allow that).
Unlock the door by any means (cheat).
When you open it u see that there is nothing.
Step into the nothingness and you will "fall" into the map when you are leaving the vault. (radroaches will be there but most npc's will not be there like the overseer, gaurds and others.)
Just continue like a regular game. you'll hit a door that children cannot use just use the no clipping command to get passed it.
Continue to vault exit u need to use the no clip command again.
Then out you go.

This is likely scripted. There's probably a script running when you activate objects to see if it's on the list that you should be using when you are a child. If not, it's not going to let you. I'm not sure there's any way around this at this stage, as I doubt there's any good tools for editing existing scripts, though I could be wrong.
okay i found a solution.
in the console there is "agerace" which determines your "age".
if put in the console
"player.agerace 1"
it will make you an adult and then put
"player.agerace -2"
makes you a child again.
You can also make others children but if you do they can't die, but u can :)
EDIT: There is no reason to make a new game and do the process i explained in my first post.
EDIT: Thanks for the person who posted all the console commands. (don't remember who/where i got them from)
lostsoul63 said:
okay i found a solution.
in the console there is "agerace" which determines your "age".
if put in the console
"player.agerace 1"
it will make you an adult and then put
"player.agerace -2"
makes you a child again.
You can also make others children but if you do they can't die, but u can :)
EDIT: There is no reason to make a new game and do the process i explained in my first post.
EDIT: Thanks for the person who posted all the console commands. (don't remember who/where i got them from)

Can you change the kid's age to "adult"? If so, can they be killed?
I'm going to assume that based on the comment that if you used this on a kid they would *become* an adult and therefore would be killable, but not a killable child. I know we're all clamoring for this but I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm sure Beth has made it very, very, very hard for this mod to ever see the light of day.

That being said, let's do it. :clap:
Well when u use the command it changes their model do they look like they were adults. So in all aspects they are no longer considered children.
I'm confused about what you need "Help" with... you cheated/used workarounds to get outside as a child, then act as though something is wrong with the game...? Weird.
Speebs said:
I'm confused about what you need "Help" with... you cheated/used workarounds to get outside as a child, then act as though something is wrong with the game...? Weird.

He wants help to continue his game as a kid: Suggestions from modders, programmers, all-around-smartypantses. He is trying to do this for fun, and expecting others will assist him in obtaining said fun.