15 Minutes in Photoshop - Italy Fallout


First time out of the vault

I live in Italy, and I couldn't resist making a simple photoshop of my nation.

I made it in around 15-18 minutes, because I was bored. It was fun to make, even if the result could be polished. I couldn't be bothered to use the same type of text and other stuff but I think it still came out nice.
I'd have some complaints about area names, but whatever, this is just very cool looking, very Waterworldish.

Is there some Italy-related mod in sight? :D

Sorry for the retarded memes. I tried to make this map look better by using same fonts and by making it more consistant.[/img]
Hi guy, nice 1... 4chan hun? XD
It's a fallout 4chan map?

And what brushes did u used? *---*
I realy suck in ps don't matter how hard I try to learn it. ¬¬

I would love doing some artwork for my mmorpg since it's about PA...
Wait... why would the Italian army take refuge near the Austrian border? Have they no concept of self-preservation?

Desperate times, those are.