17 Year Old Girl Sentenced To Death By Hanging, in iran

Does this really surprise anyone? they are savages and they will act as such, even if it means killing victims of rape and incest.
bob_the_rambler said:
Does this really surprise anyone? they are savages and they will act as such, even if it means killing victims of rape and incest.

No, it doesn't surprise me...

Meh, it's nothing that we wouldn't expect in a region like that tolerates shit like that...
That is insane. The bit they added at the end is even worse:

In August 2004, Iran’s Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing “acts incompatible with chastity”.

It was stupid of them to add the "sham" part though, it makes them appear so biased as well as clueless about human nature that it calls into question everything they are reporting. "Oh, she was hanged for 'acts incompatible with chastity'? Well, different strokes for different folks I guess, you can't judge another culture by our standards. Wait, what!?!?! It was a SHAM TRIAL?!?! I'm outraged!!!!!"
It's good that she's not a virgin at least. When the Iranians want to kill Iranian women who are virgins they hire an Imam to marry her to a Prison guard and then have her raped by about twenty other guards at the same time before she is beaten to death or shot, as killing virgin women is fobidden in Islam.

EDIT: Aw holy shit, attempted rape. Shit, I don't even want to think about that.
Montez said:
It was stupid of them to add the "sham" part though, it makes them appear so biased as well as clueless about human nature that it calls into question everything they are reporting.
take a look at the site, it's pure Iran hate (probably funded by Bush! :twisted: ). it goes as far as to make me doubt the validity of the site.

either way, if it's true, it's horrible. i wouldnt be surprised however if there were some elements cleverly tucked away about what exactly transpired.

and bob, calling them savages hardly helps. it just discredits yourself. calling them uncivilized is not quite correct. they are not primitive...
Helps, schmelps.

Let's not call supporters of such practices any names, they might get offended!

SuAside said:
and bob, calling them savages hardly helps. it just discredits yourself. calling them uncivilized is not quite correct. they are not primitive...

How about "subhuman"?
I think that a "person" that doesn't respect human's basic right to live and let live others doesn't deserve to be called human :evil: .
How about morally degenerate? Nevermind all that stuff about different people different cultures; as a species we should adhere to some basic moral principles. Executing a woman because she killed a man trying to rape her is absolutely incomprehensible to any free and sane thinking human being.

Although that site does seem heavily biased so who knows how many times that story has been twisted and distorted?
it's a matter of semantics.

call em moronic brainwashed goatfuckers undeserving of life if you like (i sure do). but calling them primitive would be a misnomer.
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?
Lazarus Plus said:
I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?
The result of living in an unenlightened society.
Easy to say, huh? We all were teached in the spirit of enlightenment and humanism (well, most of us) an thus such behaviour seems barbarian to us. Fourhundred years ago hanging minors was a common practice in Europe. Remember witch hunts, crusades, inquisition. And then compare it to "these people". There is a distinct similarity.
What this world needs is a second Age of Enlightenment. Quick.
Lazarus Plus said:
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?
Is that really a useful question?

Is modernisation automatically equated with good?

Suppose you ended up, in 50 years time, in a society that, through modernisation, had made paedophilia and incest acceptable behaviour, would you still find modernisation a pleasant movement?

Now, I am pretty far from being an Islamist and I have little sympathy for their cause, but equating all the problems inherent to them as a failure to modernise seems flawed at best.
Big T said:
Lazarus Plus said:
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?
Is that really a useful question?

Is modernisation automatically equated with good?

Suppose you ended up, in 50 years time, in a society that, through modernisation, had made paedophilia and incest acceptable behaviour, would you still find modernisation a pleasant movement?

Now, I am pretty far from being an Islamist and I have little sympathy for their cause, but equating all the problems inherent to them as a failure to modernise seems flawed at best.

To survive adaptation is necessary. We'd still be fighting brutal wars with each other (Europeans, Americans, whatever.) if we hadn't started considering a new idea like "peace", to be preferable over sporadic and chronic warfare with our neighbors. We would ALSO have a much worse population problem if we hadn't modernized to find birth control more or less acceptable.

Those are just two examples. NO, modernization isn't always "good" but I reject such arbitrary measurement systems anyways. It's just necessary, in order to be able to adapt to the way the world IS.
as a young boy i spent two years in an iranian-american "moderate" muslim household. it was a dark time. it doesnt suprise me that these poor young women are being murdered by the state. in my experience there women were treated worse than dogs. i was glad to leave all that behind. i cant say that everyone iranian behaves the same, im sure there are some people who feel just as we do that punishing these women for defending themselves is wrong... but it is a minority. i am not a muslim but i know that at its heart islam is a faith revolving around morality, empathy, and charity. its the fundamentalists and extremists that twist it into a nightmare reflection of its true intent.

Lazarus Plus said:
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?

While these practices might be commonplace in Iran, they are not in Turkey, Libanon, Egypt, Indonesia and most of the rest of the Islamic world.

Don't be an idiot by assuming that all muslims share these values, or this kind of behaviour is somehow inherent to Islam.
Jebus said:
Lazarus Plus said:
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?

While these practices might be commonplace in Iran, they are not in Turkey, Libanon, Egypt, Indonesia and most of the rest of the Islamic world.

Don't be an idiot by assuming that all muslims share these values, or this kind of behaviour is somehow inherent to Islam.

And thanks for assuming that that is what I meant, ass.

I mean the fundamentalists that act like they are in the sixth century CE and carry on like barbarians. You're right, those people are not in the nations you mentioned, or at the very least, not the majority and not in power. "People" should have strongly implied "the assholes mentioned in the news story that would hang a girl for killing someone in self defense".
Hmm let me think of a more politically correct way to call them what they are without offending any bleeding hearts near by............(let me use a statement)....................It is often true that people from the area on the map sometimes known as the middle east or more preferably know as the holy land, sometimes engage in acts that cause discomfort or termination to many youths and members of the female spectrum. such acts are part of a different religion than is common to many in the holy land, but are not to be considered evil because they might seem out of the norm for the rest on the planet. (that a little better?) i didn't call them savage or backwards once...wich was hard because that is their true nature.
Lazarus Plus said:
Jebus said:
Lazarus Plus said:
What is with these people? Is there a passage in their holy book stating "Don't ever fucking modernize or I'll smite your ass into oblivion, motherfucker!"

I mean, how the hell do so many of them resist change and act like they are in the damn sixth century?

While these practices might be commonplace in Iran, they are not in Turkey, Libanon, Egypt, Indonesia and most of the rest of the Islamic world.

Don't be an idiot by assuming that all muslims share these values, or this kind of behaviour is somehow inherent to Islam.

And thanks for assuming that that is what I meant, ass.

I mean the fundamentalists that act like they are in the sixth century CE and carry on like barbarians. You're right, those people are not in the nations you mentioned, or at the very least, not the majority and not in power. "People" should have strongly implied "the assholes mentioned in the news story that would hang a girl for killing someone in self defense".

If that was not what you meant, you should learn to phrase your insults more clearly.

Also, calling me an ass isn't going to help you much.
Around these parts they mace people for qute pyramids...

Why are you all so horrified?

It is well known that woman in Iran are below dogs,and that terrible and unhuman conditions will remain as long as Ayatolahs hold the power.

I wouldn't be suprised if they had her tongue plucked out for insulting the molestor.

As for validity of site-i guess it's true but radiates hate against goverment.Maybe it's written by USA or Iran's angry students (which is the same)?