1st Generation Super Mutants?

Triple Alliance

First time out of the vault
I've been skimming the Fallout Wiki and there are sometimes mentions of "1st Generation SuperMutants."

"Jacobstown became a haven for first-generation Super Mutants"

What does this mean exactly? Is 1st Gen just a reference to all West Coast Super Mutants?

Another question, in F3, we know the Super Mutants are aware of their sterility and actively seek out more FEV and humans to mutate. As far as the West Coast is concerned, are Super Mutants effectively doomed to extinction?
Fallout wiki definitely counts Fallout 3 and 4 and 76 as canon so there's the other generations of mutants.

The only "generation" of mutants I can think of coming out of Mariposa are:
Random bumbling scavenger who fell into the vats and came out as a super mutie prior to Gray.
Unity's normal super mutants.
Nightkin mutation.
And finally whatshisface that still goops around in Mariposa in Fallout 2.
Add to that the one time instance of Frank Horrigan.

The only real "generation of mutants" would be Unity and possibly Nightkin.

Personally I discount all Bethesda lore as noncanon so I would always take anything I read on a wiki(a) with a grain of salt.
First generation mutants are the ones created by the Master, second generation mutants were accidentally created by the Enclave when enslaved Redding workers were exposed to FEV while excavating Mariposa.

The Bethesda side of things doesn’t seem to use the generation terminology. New Vegas is the only game I know of that distinguishes west coast mutants into first and second generation. The ones at Black Mountain are mostly second gen (dumb-dumbs), whereas all Nightkin and the ones in Jacobstown are first gen.

And yes, west coast mutants aren’t really interested in making more of themselves, so they are doomed.