2005 Spring Break thread.


Still Mildly Glowing
Well, this only applies to those of us in schools that give a spring/Easter break.

My parents were away from last Sunday(3/27) to tomorrow (4/5).
This spring break, I smoked weed for the first time (note I'm 17). This occurred within 2 hours of my parents departure to the airport (O'Hare). One week later, almost, I drank for the first time (the sips of beer/whisky/bourbon don't count). Throughout the week, my brother, a few friends (of both) and I all smoked weed at least daily.

To say the least, it was my best spring break ever. In the history of time.

The weed and booze were all thanks to, jointly, my brother and a friend of his.

And so: what did you do this spring break? That is, assuming that your spring break has already come.
1. I point out that you are a loser high schooler. haha you sux.
College people were off like 2 - 3 weeks ago. Thats when all the real parties are.

2. Weed isn't everything. Drugs aren't necessary.

4. The first time you've actually drank is 17? wow....

5. I worked and made a nice paycheck over spring break.
I had a lot of sex. I think I smoked weed once during break, but that might have been the week before -- can't remember. Anyhoo, the rest of it really sucked because I came down with the sore throat from hell that required taking prescription pain killers in order to sleep.

But at least I didn't have high school to look forward to when I got back. :D
I'm not in school, therefore every day is spring break.

This weekend, I attended the Mid-Atlantic College Radio Conference, and had a blast. Then I went to see Sin City, and watched The Punisher in my friend's private theater.

Great weekend.
I went to Colorado and had a horrible time for my Spring Break...weak.

Mohrg :twisted:
Also being out of high school, and college, and my second stint of college for my second degree, every day is joy.

I own a house, I have a wife, a kid on the way, a job I love, and can buy the toys that I want that make me happy.

Life is good, and best of all, I don't have to deal with stuck up professors who think they know everything.

When dealing with them, I always used the adage, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
Went to Rocky Point again. It was pretty sweet, 10 bucks all you can drink and a mechanichal bull you can ride for free.
Beach was awesome as well. Heres some pics....


My buddies on the beach


The gulf of California


what happens when you pass out first....

more when i get my other film developed.
Wait, I thought spring break = teh big summer holiday, no? If not, why does spring break seem to be all hyped while the 10-week summer holiday hardly gets any attention at all?
Luke said:
Wait, I thought spring break = teh big summer holiday, no? If not, why does spring break seem to be all hyped while the 10-week summer holiday hardly gets any attention at all?
In the US spring break is all about going someplace warm or interesting with your college friends and committing unspeakable acts of debauchery in a forgiving, nay conducive, atmosphere.

Summer break is for making money to pay for spring break and college in general. And the typical summer break in the states is 12-13 weeks.
I retired to the family freehold, to compose and relax myself away from the noise and bother of the outside world. I pursued simple pleasures, such as gardening, reading outside, playing with the family hound; all in a genial Virginian setting.
Ouch Pope.

Last year, I took the wife to San Diego for about a week and a half- great time.

This year I stayed home and worked on my own research. Got a lot done so I am not complaining.

Also most people take classes or work during the summer. You really can't do that during Spring Break, so it's debauchery for a week.

Haven't you seen Girls gone Wild? Or even the Simpson's episode on Spring Break?
MadDog said:
1. I point out that you are a loser high schooler. haha you sux.
College people were off like 2 - 3 weeks ago. Thats when all the real parties are.
This is true. I had "reading week". I played on my computer the whole time because all my friends work full time and are going to college next year and they didn't have a week off.

Murdoch said:
Summer break is for making money to pay for spring break and college in general. And the typical summer break in the states is 12-13 weeks.
In Canada, Summer is the months of July and August in high school, but it's the months of May, June, July, and August in College.
In my experience the large majority of college students just went home for Spring break, or worked. Those that do go to beaches are exceptions that make for better TV than a classics major washing dishes.
Unfortunately for us, spring break for NAU was different from that of ASU and U of A so we missed the really big party. Rest assured, theres some naked chicks on my other camera which is being developed.