
Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Fuck me sideways. This could very well be the best trailer for a movie I've ever seen (since the first Matrix.) This movie is going to be a great one, mark my words.

Get the trailer quick, apparently they disappear from teh inatrewbs fast.
Wooz, wasn't it...


Anyways, is it another americanisation of an European myth? Another instance in which our history is raped by our overseas spawn?
Killap, what do you mean, "link not posted right", it works perfectly (Firefox, biatch).

Mikeal, it's based on a Frank Miller graphic novel, and you know it's going to be great.

Nimeni, stop hijacking my thread, and what the fuck does Keanu have to do with my beautiful 300 trailer?
Yes, very cool. I think there was a thread about this a while back. If there's any bastardization it's of the comic, which is kinda loosely based on the myth, as usual.

Pretty cool also that the entire movie was filmed in a studio pretty much, and the CG background added later.

I'm looking forward to this movie, I'll have to read the comic first (although the partial nudity is a bit gay).

another movie that looks awesome is Borat. I've always loved the series, and that movie is going to be the funniest of all time, without a doubt.
I wonder how they will americanise the fact that most spartan boys were lovers with older men.
Great, a movie about those bloody fascists. It's always fun to see movies where belligerent racist assholes like the Spartans are deified.

And why did they make the Persians look like disfigured freaks of nature? They were arguably more civilized than the Spartans would ever be.
I love this trailer. Hope the rest of the movie is as good as this, then I won't even need a compelling story. Bring it on I say.
Seem like Hollywood's out to milk Frank Miller dry, maybe we'll get to see some Dark Knight movies some day. His shit is so much more cinematic than say an Alan Moore - Sin City was like it was lifted frame for frame right out of the comic.
I believe that these "fascists" are "deified" judging solely on their discipline and the way they fought (and nearly defeated) an enemy extremely superior in numbers than them in the Persian Wars. Sparta's affairs of state can be judged separately but they have nothing to do with what is glorified in this part of Sparta's history.

Besides, I personally find it extremely wrong to judge ancient history based on today's standards. "O Tempora, O mores"...
Hellion said:
I believe that these "fascists" are "deified" judging solely on their discipline and the way they fought (and nearly defeated) an enemy extremely superior in numbers than them in the Persian Wars. Sparta's affairs of state can be judged separately but they have nothing to do with what is glorified in this part of Sparta's history.

Heh. I really don't see how you could ever detach those two elements from eachother - it'd be like worshipping the nazis for their military conquests yet ignoring everything else.
I don't really care how 'heroic' Thermophylae was - they're still bloody assholes.

Hellion said:
Besides, I personally find it extremely wrong to judge ancient history based on today's standards. "O Tempora, O mores"...

The Spartans were considered assholes by pretty much all their contemporaries too.
I think what Hellion's trying to say is that it's not that hard to admire a group of warriors who banded together in a reckless attempt to basically say "fuck you and the cunts you came from!" to their foes, even if they're a bunch of assholes. Unless, of course, you have some personal vendetta against them.
Creepy, it's like a realistic fantasy or something. It's the battle of Thermopylae I think, 300 vs. 1,000,000 basically
(thank you The Last Samurai; burn in hell Tom Cruise). Sweet find
Hell, we make entertainment about the Nazis now. Return to Castle Wolfenstein? Half of the appeal of the game was the badass looking Nazi outfits. Hey, their uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss. They might have been evil buggers, but they had style.

This movie looks good. I find it dissapointing that they seem to have removed the homosexual element from it. Is this movie about the Sacred Band, or is it a different period from Spartan history? Any Classics students in the house? Don't get me wrong, I'm no greater fan of seeing guys make out than the next... guy, but it still should have been included. Just don't emphasize it. Nobody needs a "brokeback sparta."