3GB vs. 4GB of RAM


A Smooth-Skin
Hello, simple question:

- are there any downsides to gaming or graphics and memory intensive applications by having 4 gigabytes of ram instead of 3 in Windows XP 32 bit ?
No. You will only use about 3,5~3,8 GB of RAM though. But it won't cause any problems, some of your ram will just be "wasted"
Stop backseat moderating.

Radnan, RAM isn't expensive these days, go for the 4GB solution.
I have 4GB of RAM in my current 32-bit Vista machine. It runs like a song. You'll just "waste" a little bit of it, but given how cheap it is, you migh as well get it incase you ever decide to upgrade to 64-bit.
and 4Gb will likely get you Dual Channel (though that depends on other factors as well), whereas 3 Gb won't (except in a certain set of very unlikely circumstances)
Ah, the price between 3 and 4 gigs is pretty small. Splurge a bit. No reason not to at the prices RAM is going for.
went ahead and got 4 gigs in dual channel mode

was innitially affraid that there would be stability / system issues (a friend and his theories and rumours) with having more then supported. :) seems ok and runs a little bit better then with 2

thanks guys
Wooz said:
Stop backseat moderating.

damn, chill out dude. that's not what I was trying to do. it was more of a suggestion to check for the earlier discussion and I didn't have the time to search for the topic and link to it.
I think Wooz isn't getting his usual diet of troll blood today, he's going alittle rabid.
if its no big deal, get the 4gb.

mobos work better with 2/4 banks filled rather than just 1/3

that and if you ever decide to you can upgrade to 64 bit os
I just upgrade the memory on my tablet pc and my desktop to 4gb each one, this is because the great prices i found on ocz memory, the dual channel really help a little with the speed, specially on the tablet pc (HP TX-2510us), also i found that i can use the serial key of windows vista 32 bit on the 64 bit version with no problem, so right now i got 4 gb and i am very happy with it, both computers run with no problem when i am working with lets say word+powerpoint+acrobat or any new game.

On latest games, on my desktop, everything run smooth, even better than in my windows xp (AMD Phenom x4 @ 3ghz and ATI 4870 OCX).

By the way i got windows xp on a second partition and only detect 3.2~ gb ram...

Sorry my english.