"3rd Annual Mark Currie Sitdown" at DIY


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Mark Currie, one of the founders of Inhuman Games has featured for the third time in an annual interview with DIY Games. The interview questions Currie about his past involvement with Mythica, his views on independent game development, and the progress/status of Trash.<blockquote>DIY : You have a pretty vocal fanbase on your forums that appear to have a fair amount of influence on the game. Did they express concern over the dropping of the third race? Particularly since you've mentioned in the past that much of the art for them was in place.

MC : Yeah, the beta testers often have great ideas, and I try to empower them as much as possible. This game has really been influenced by the beta testers, to a degree that just doesn't happen in commercial games. I think it's good, because it helps foster the community. They don't appear to be too upset about the Machine race being dropped, I think because they never got to play it. We really only had a prototype of the Machine race done, and I think it was good we put it on hold, not only for schedule reasons, but also because it will result in it being a better race. The game has evolved quite a bit since when we had the Machine prototype in there. If we get around to finishing the Machine race, its design will now better reflect the current state of the game today. Its design will fit better with how the Mutant and Human races play now.

DIY : When can we expect to see it available? When I talked to you at IGC you said to look for it on April 1st. But something tells me you were messing with me.

MC : We are shooting for the end of February.</blockquote>So not incredibly long before we can see if the years of development on this indie game were worth it.

Link: "3rd Annual Mark Currie Sitdown" at DIY.
Marc Curie! He's the God who brought us Jagged Alliance 2!

*Adds Mythica to to-buy list*