A bit of a WIMP preview.

teh fonx

First time out of the vault
As some of you might know I'm currently working on a project that derives a lot of inspiration from the great series of fallout games (fallout1&2 only!) as well as b-rate horror sci-fi flicks of the 40's and 50's. At any rate, hope you guys enjoy this, comments and critiques always welcome.

firstly, great work. Its good to see you've tried for a more 'actiony' pose! however, get that drawing and erase the head. what you've done with the body is good, however the head doesnt fit.

ive redone your picture just to show you: the blue line is where the head used to be, the red line is his body underneath the suit. essentially all you really needed to do was start from undereneath, and draw a suit over him. try it, you will usually end up not having to go back and fix the 'bones' of the picture and focus on the detail. good on you buddy.

I was just about to say the same thing as holyrebellion - the head looked weird, didn´t know tho what it was till I read holy´s post :)

Anyway, good work teh fonx!