I'm sure many many many of you have heard about this before, I however had not:
At one point in Fallout's development, in Junktown, if the player aided local sheriff Killian Darkwater in killing the criminal Gizmo, Killian would take his pursuit of the law much too far, to the point of tyranny, and force Junktown to stagnate. However, if the player killed Killian for Gizmo, then Gizmo would help Junktown prosper for his own benefit. The game's publisher did not like this bit of moral ambiguity and had the outcomes changed to an alternate state, where aiding Killian results in a more palatable ending.
This is from the Fallout Bible according to the refrence on wiki, now I'm sure only a small portion of the people here have actually read the FOB, or at least MOST of it. So for those of us who haven't what do you think of this? Which way do you prefer the story, the way it was in development but changed, or the way it was shipped out?
I personally like the idea they had in development more, I only read about it recently myself but I think the outcome is a much more interesting one, and forces the player to think about how "true" their moral compass is all the time, not only that but it brings to light the question of "Is what is good for some good for all?"
Not that this really applies to me as usually I ended up just killing both of em lol... (Gizmo is a jerk, and Killian.. has some nice stuff, and lots of shelves to put my loot on and keep it sorted)
**edited for clarity on my preference**
At one point in Fallout's development, in Junktown, if the player aided local sheriff Killian Darkwater in killing the criminal Gizmo, Killian would take his pursuit of the law much too far, to the point of tyranny, and force Junktown to stagnate. However, if the player killed Killian for Gizmo, then Gizmo would help Junktown prosper for his own benefit. The game's publisher did not like this bit of moral ambiguity and had the outcomes changed to an alternate state, where aiding Killian results in a more palatable ending.
This is from the Fallout Bible according to the refrence on wiki, now I'm sure only a small portion of the people here have actually read the FOB, or at least MOST of it. So for those of us who haven't what do you think of this? Which way do you prefer the story, the way it was in development but changed, or the way it was shipped out?
I personally like the idea they had in development more, I only read about it recently myself but I think the outcome is a much more interesting one, and forces the player to think about how "true" their moral compass is all the time, not only that but it brings to light the question of "Is what is good for some good for all?"
Not that this really applies to me as usually I ended up just killing both of em lol... (Gizmo is a jerk, and Killian.. has some nice stuff, and lots of shelves to put my loot on and keep it sorted)
**edited for clarity on my preference**