A Convergence Among the Polish Wastes


Night Watchman
Staff member
It is with hope that I inform you of a fusion that has just been offcially announced. Pursuant to a series of rumours surfacing in the Polish Fallout community, it is now confirmed that Polish Wasteland (formerly Wasted) and Trinity are hereby united into a new, grand, post-apocalyptic cRPG project. Here is an official statement we've gotten from LooZ^, PW's PR:<blockquote>I'm pleased that I can finally officially inform all the fans of Polish Wasteland and Trinity about the fusion, which came to pass with the intention of creating a game even better, than what we could create working in separate projects. Our new project inherited its precedessors' vision of the world, its setting, and its atmosphere. For the time being, our work on forging a common vision is completed, and we're working hard to present you with fruits of our labor. More info about the project, its name and its progress will soon be available at our new website.</blockquote>This can only mean that the resources of both teams are going to be pooled, and that the best of both game worlds will be extracted! And, what's important, we'll probably see the completed product much quicker.

And here's a wallpaper advertising the new project:


For the time being neither the web address nor the name of the new project had been given... Follow the projects' websites and of course No Mutants Allowed for more info.
It's good news. It's better to have one finished kick ass game rather than few half done projects.

And damn, that wallpaper rocks. I'm looking forward to see more such nice drawnings.
Good news, and really nice wallpaper :)

amazing to see a wallpaper including a women who's is not flashing teh b00bs....
Kahgan said:
amazing to see a wallpaper including a women who's is not flashing teh b00bs....

She's still very matricesque.


<<s>shariah</s> biting frost mode>
Cover your face, beotch!
</<s>shariah</s> biting frost mode>
"That chick is from a concept art for a character model, Natalia (Natalie) if I remember correctly."
Incorrect - not Natalia but Irma.
Rather they'd just kicked the player in the nuts, thrown him into the snow and will likely arrest him or something ;)
All of them look as if they are stylin'. This a wasteland, not a catwalk for chrissake.

w00t? So only because you're living in the wastes means you have to wear unstilish clothes? Bleh, warm and good looking, thats the correct combination :P
Silencer said:
Rather they'd just kicked the player in the nuts, thrown him into the snow and will likely arrest him or something ;)

More like sexualy abuse him ... umm ... and then arrest :wtf:
"That chick is from a concept art for a character model, Natalia (Natalie) if I remember correctly."
Incorrect - not Natalia but Irma.
However I was wright about her being a concept art (you don't forget good looking chicks with guns).

Oh, and welcome to NMA Doc. :)
master_of_flamaster said:
Oh, and welcome to NMA Doc. :)

Yeah, and learn to use quotes! Finally, I get to opress YOU! :D

I kid, I kid. Welcome.

Grace us with more frozen socrealistic PA goodness soon, please.
Wonder what the new project name will be. Wasteland Trinity? Poland roxor?

Nice wallpaper! Except with a nuclear holocaust and all, you'd expect a bit more raggedness/dirtyness :wink:
But great work from the artist, all in all.