A Little BattleTech & Shadowrun Nostalgia


First time out of the vault
I was surfing the web and I found these two sites of BattleTech
and Shadowrun http://www.shadowrunrpg.com/

I was looking through some of the BattleTech galleries and felt and start to remember the good ole days of being a kid and owning lots of Shadowrun and Battletech literature which I have no idea what my parents done with since Ive moved out 5 years ago..maybe they still have all my old stuff in the attic somewhere!!I wish this stuff didnt die out!Any other fans out there?


I still play the Battletech board game with my friends. I still like painting my little machines of death, errr… Battlemechs. Never played Shadowrun though.
Shadowrun is cool... but I lack in patience for such games. (same with Warhammer... tho I liked painting, and still like it, but it takes ages untill something happen when you actually PLAY the shit)