A little tip for defending bigtown


Still Mildly Glowing
I'm playing through the game again, and I was doing the "big trouble in big town" quest. They kept getting killed when super mutants came, so what I did was I loaded an old save, give sticky and red power ammour and mini guns when they were fellowing me. And then right before I showed them how to shoot I dropped alot of assult rifles and ammo for them on the ground near the main way in so that they would pick them up and use them in stead of those horrable 10mm pistols. I have to say they did much better. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/7314/stickyinamourmm1.jpg

edit sorry didn't mean to have it that way
How come when I played this, only 4 supermutants showed up and I was able to dispatch them with an assault rifle in about 20 seconds? WTF?
Ditto. Four big apes, I tossed a few frrag mines in their path and followed up with assault gun, no prob.
AnimalAl said:
Ditto. Four big apes, I tossed a few frrag mines in their path and followed up with assault gun, no prob.

Yup. I stood on the bridge, and machine gunned them in the face while the villagers shot wildly all around me.

At one point a grenade sailed over my head into the villagers, but miraculously, they all survived.

I did try the "repair the robots" choice, but when I got to the junkyard, no robots, and the villagers started bitching like crazy. I reloaded and taught them how to shoot instead.

I had given the two captives assault rifles and armor on the way back, but I don't think they fired a shot when the mutants came.
KillerBee256 said:
...so what I did was I loaded an old save, give sticky and red power ammour and mini guns when they were fellowing me.

What?! Why can he wear PowerArmour without training! That cheater! :shock: