A "must" NPCs wishlist ;-]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alesha
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Kay first of all I want a badass rocket-launching robot! At least after the game finishes, hopefully while in-game. The F2 Skynet bot is a wuss! Vic fights better than that! Sufficiently high science and INT should allow you to reprogram the bot, he'd be at the very least as intelligent as cyber-dog, prolly much more so, as bigger size means bigger 'puter running it. I just loved those things, I wish you could reprogram the one in toxic caves... anyway.
Cats. I want a pet cat. If any survived. Why dogs? Cats are also cool! It is personal.
Lasses, more females in the party please ;-] Otherwise you have this unhealthy atmosphere (especially if you're a male char).
kay thats it for now

Well, first off, a bigger computer or robot does not mean that there's a bigger brain running it. The trend at the moment is more than ever toward miniaturization...true, in Fallout we're using 50's kind of technology, but here we're talking about a dog that already has an adaptable response pattern and the english language, and that runs smoothly and with no major bugs. The thing is a freakin' miracle of technology, since it can deal with background radiation, rockets, plasma, and occasionally getting blasted by a minigun. The skynet robot is probably using the bigger space for armament, sensing equipment, and maybe for storage. An option for upgrading the robot would be cool, and maybe some kind of data transfer in specific quests to transfer new skills, like downloading a Big Weapons combat protocol. Of course, practically, the robot would have to have some kind of bracing built in, or else when it shot a rocket launcher it would probably immediately shoot back about 10 feet. Energy weapons seem a lot more sensible.

Cats serve two primary uses in our lives, and one of them more than the other...they provide companionship, and they eat rats. By the time Fallout 1 and 2 came out, it had been 160 years since a nuclear war had originated. Any cats that survived were either A)Hideously mutated in a non-benificial way, or B)Cooked and eaten. I mean, these people eat rats and human flesh. A cat certainly wouldn't have been passed up. Dogs could survive because they can be trained to guard possessions in a crime-ridden, anarchial era. The only way a cat prevents crime is if a burglar steps on it.

I definitely agree with the thing about more women...the only one you could get in Fallout 2 was that dumb cluck Miria, and she wasn't worth the slot she took up. Although, that brings up a point...I'd have liked to see the all male parties in Fallout 2 behaving in the way that most guys would in a group with no women around...hanging their guts out, drinking a few brewskis, and making rude, crude, and socially unacceptable remarks and noises. (Of course, some of these are optional) Of course, this could quickly have turned into a drunken roadtrip across the Southern US reminescent of Cheech and Chong, but that still would have been great to see at least once. Now, for female characters...I'd say just more NPC options in general. Keep the party size small, but have more choice, both evil and good NPCs. It seemed that in Fallout 2, the only NPCs you had were either apathetic (Skynet, K-9, Robodog, Vic) or Good (Sulik, Marcus, Cassedy). Gimme a evil, vicious, scheming ganster who wants to go on a killing rampage across the country if I want to go for that route.

We need more npc's chars. There should be:

4 or more supermutants
4 or more ghouls
10 or more humans
4 or more deathclaws
4 or more dogs { cyber or normal }
multi robots. Maybe two robot chips that can be put in any shut down, functional robot.

The npc limit should stay the same. More female should be incluced. Maybe ever a female AI for a robot or smart comp.

I wnat to comment the usage of a cat and why they'd still be alive: they eat rats god dammit!
People have them to protect themselves from rats!
And you might need them to "scratch" your back.

>I wnat to comment the usage
>of a cat and why
>they'd still be alive: they
>eat rats god dammit!
>People have them to protect themselves
>from rats!
>And you might need them to
>"scratch" your back.

If the people eat rats, then cats are predators that are cutting off a vital food source. Rats breed faster than cats, so they're a better food source. People don't want to be protected from rats, they want to catch the rats and eat them.
Feline Manifesto

Well, I sure as shisse hope that some cats survived in Canadian and Russian (siberian) forest and later on migrated to the US. A world without cats sucks! Even if they are big bad man-eating cats! Let the Cats prevail! Off with the Human Race! Meow Meow Meow!
ACTUALLY! There is a mention of a Cat in F2, the lass in Den I believe, who'se cat was eaten! Poor critter! Well, if humans feed on each other, it is understandable, how they could go agaist cats... Bastards! Meow! And don't you know that cats are an important source of static electricity and good carma? All cat-eaters must be sold to cannibals by slavers!
Btw anyone seen a low-luck encounter: Remnants of the Master's army? ;-] they can slag even a bad motha char!
The point is, PLEASE have some cats in F3 ;-]
RE: Feline Manifesto

Um, any cats might of been inter breed into the centayr creatures. That might explane the wierd a## other head.
RE: Feline Manifesto

Not many people would eat normal house cat because A. The meat is does not taste good.
B. there is not much meat on them
RE: Feline Manifesto

>Not many people would eat normal
>house cat because A.
>The meat is does not
>taste good.

Are you talking from experience? I wouldn't mind trying cat if it were prepared well. But hell, I'd eat anything if it was prepared well :-)

>B. there is not much meat
>on them

Which explains why there are no cats in fallout 2. To get a decent amount of meat you need a lot of cats :-P
RE: Feline Manifesto

It seems to me that discussing the survival of house cats is pointless. Who would want a house cat on their team? They'd have maybe 5 hp and a 1 attack. If there are going to be cat npc's, they should be big mutated mountain lions or something.

It may be pointless

But it's fun too. Every now and then it's just cool to discuss a crazy idea. Hell, cat's as NPCs is still a better idea than fallout online :-)
Why have a Cat?

Reasons to have a Cat NPC in your party:
1.Beats Miria and her pervert Bro
2. Cool
3. Should add Empathy Perk and increase Outdoors Skill
4. Animal Friend?
5. Scares rats away, so you do not have to waste ammo
5. Distract Guard Dogs
6. Use to get static electricity and shock enemies in a massive lightning attack ;-]
7. Detects radiation (and dies?)
8. Blinds your enemies by scratching their eyes out: Critical Bonus on eye attack
9. Air Duct recon
10. Brings Luck
11. Has Nine Lives.
12. Rumored to possess magical powers.
RE: Why have a Cat?

Cat + more female NPC (dangerous one) = cat woman?...hehehe...the only and the last "superhero" left after nuclear destory earth...hehehe
Wanna Cat?

More female (dangeorus) character + cat (the lost race) = cat woman...miooooowwww!!!
RE: Wanna Cat?

Hey, can I take you out on a date, a cat with a cat? ;-]
RE: Wanna Cat?

What do you think i am? Heacliff?...maybe...if you find me a romantic place under a full moon and a plate of fish...Hehehe...Miowwwww
RE: Why have a Cat?

>Reasons to have a Cat NPC
>in your party:
>1.Beats Miria and her pervert Bro
No it would have 5 hp and 1 attack
>2. Cool
No they are not cool they suck
>3. Should add Empathy Perk and
>increase Outdoors Skill
>4. Animal Friend?
>5. Scares rats away, so you
>do not have to waste
really they scare rats as much as any one
>5. Distract Guard Dogs
not really
>6. Use to get static electricity
>and shock enemies in a
>massive lightning attack ;-]
not fallout
>7. Detects radiation (and dies?)
wow cool not
>8. Blinds your enemies by scratching
>their eyes out: Critical Bonus
>on eye attack
and how does it get to the eyes?
>9. Air Duct recon
cat are not that smart to do that
>10. Brings Luck
>11. Has Nine Lives.
give me an smg to prove that
>12. Rumored to possess magical powers.
not fallout

RE: Why have a Cat?

Now I just want to shoot you with a Vindicator minigun up yer arse :( Have you no sense of humor and love for cats? And NO! I will NOT argue with you!
Ooww...don't be to sensitive...

Oooww...don't be to sensitive, ok...i don't meant to start argueing with you. (but i slip my bozar behind my back just incase.... :-P )
RE: Ooww...don't be to sensitive...

Heh, message #17 was meant to Kilus.
Btw, Alicia, I found this nice place in San Fran near the Docks...