A Nice Day for a Right Wedding


Yer fond of me Lobster!
For those that have forgotten this quest: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/A_Nice_Day_for_a_Right_Wedding

I was dicking around in Rivet City shooting people with the railgun when I decided to help out Angela get some ant queen pheromones in order to seduce Diego.

Is Angela technically date-raping Diego and seducing him, or is she the one using the pheromones in order to increase her charisma? The stat-line for the pheromones are + 3 charisma at the cost of -3 perception and intelligence.

If the former, it's pretty strange to be giving the player Good Karma.
IIRC, someone mentioned the ant pheromones was an "Aphrodisiac"(AKA, A drug to stimulate sexual desire), so I'm guessing yes it technically is date-raping him.

Let's not also forget that forcing someone to make a major life decision while they are intoxicated is pretty evil in itself.

Also, you still get Good Karma if you lie to Father Clifford the Big Red Dog about Diego sleeping with Angela. So apparently, lying to make sure someone is barred from entering priesthood, is also unambiguously good.
And you get bad karma is you give the gift to the guy who want to shag the nuka cola lady,so he can offer it to her... because you lied and didn't offered the gift to the girl yourself.
I totally consider it date-rape and it's also to remove a man from his chosen vocation. Very poorly written and only allowed because of the Double Standard.

Imagine if she was going to be a Priest and he got the Ant-Pheremones for having sex with her.
So do you see where we are coming from when we unanimously hate this game?

And do you see how confuse we become when people praise its quests and writing?

Well, you're asking about what I consider to be the absolutely worst written and morally offensive quest in the game.

Do you see where I'm coming from when I talk about how much I love the Tranquility Lane quest?

Why I praise it's quests and writing?
Do you see where I'm coming from when I talk about how much I love the Tranquility Lane quest?
Tranquility Lane isn't even at all morally ambigous.

Braun has near omnipotent power over the simulation, and if you read his notes, he has created hundreds of simulations throughout the years.

Sooner or later, the people of Tranquility Lane are going to die at his hands., only to be brought back in the next simulation. You doing Braun's dirty work is doing nothing but speeding up the inevitable.
Well, I consider this quest to be like the Rapey Quest where you can blackmail that poor lady outside of Vault City into sleeping with you in exchange for rescuing her husband.

Bad game! Bad game!

Except that this Fallout 2 dialogs option is meant to be self serving and gross, not much the fallout 3 wedding quest.
Except that this Fallout 2 dialogs option is meant to be self serving and gross, not much the fallout 3 wedding quest.

I totally agree.

Tranquility Lane isn't even at all morally ambigous.

Braun has near omnipotent power over the simulation, and if you read his notes, he has created hundreds of simulations throughout the years.

Sooner or later, the people of Tranquility Lane are going to die at his hands., only to be brought back in the next simulation. You doing Braun's dirty work is doing nothing but speeding up the inevitable.

I didn't say it was morally ambiguous. I said it was awesomely written, unlike this quest.