A Paper on Fallout

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I have decided to write a paper for my School on how Fallout 1 and 2 delve into Human Nature, Humna condition and Society and how it helps us undestand our more basic instincts better. If there are any comments, I would enjoy hearing them.
>I have decided to write a
>paper for my School on
>how Fallout 1 and 2
>delve into Human Nature, Humna
>condition and Society and how
>it helps us undestand our
>more basic instincts better.
>If there are any comments,
>I would enjoy hearing them.

Hey Arthur, didn't you write a Fallout paper about a year ago?

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I wrote a Fallout short story for my English class that ended up getting me an A+. Did Arthur get a good grade for his paper?
No, it was about violence and computer games. In my opinion, it was a mess - I failed to say what I wanted, and structure was practically non-existent. I got A for presentation and B for the paper, however.

I would write not about Fallout 1/2 itself, but instead about our reaction on it - you know, some people think of it as a piece of art (me), others look at number of weapons and sex scenes, and discuss these reactions. Also, a quick look at nongamers and their opinion of nuclear war and survival and conditions after would be nice.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/nukebut.gif" name="nukebutton" onClick="document.images.nukebutton.src='//redrival.com/aptyp/Nukeblst.gif' ]
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My paper is going to be about how Fallout portaries human nature. What I mean is that Fallout helps us (the gamers) understand human nature, Fallout portrays human nature accuratley it in its violence, its despair, its hope, people need gods (the tribesmen), people will do anything to survive (New Reno, the Slavers) People will take advantage of others (Slavers New Reno) People will help others (The Vault Dweller/ Chsoen one, and others like the Rangers) and most importantly Fallout helps us understand that humans are extremly social beings. The fact that there are two games helps us watch the evolution and formation of scoities. Like the NCR or the Brotherhood Of Steel. I am also trying to prove in this paper that computer games can help us learn and understand oursleves better, but they are underappreciated by the general public because you need to look deeper to see the real themes. Fallout is a masterpiece, a work of art that deserves more than it gets. I intened to try and help it. Fallout helped me realize many things about humans and I want people to know about them. More and more computer games are invading our socities, but they are more than just frivolous entertainment, they are tools of learning and undersnding when looked at in the proper light. More later, hopefully.
Monty Python really whips the lama's ass !

What's wrong with Monty Python ?
In the same way I can try to prove that Pokemon is in fact an image of future utopean world. Rule number one - don't believe what you see/hear. Your thesis could pass in a high school, but it is faulty because it is based on wrong assumption. If you can tie Fallout to a separate theory or a literature work, it would be mighty fine, but I think writing about Fallout as an accurate portrayal of humanity is risky, just like writing about personal opinions. That's why in college my teacher said: I don't need your opinion, I need your analysis.

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Monty Python really licks its mama's ass !

>What's wrong with Monty Python ?

Maybe it's because I've seen too much or something, but the humor is just so *stupid* and silly. Yeah, there are comedies that portray stupidity and silliness, but Monty Python has the maturity of 5 year-old humor. It's like they trying to beg the audience to laugh.


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Damn, me and my stupid wording. Let me try a differenet approach. The "list" approach.

Main Assupmtion: When analized we find that Fallout portrays certain aspects of the Human Mind and Human Nature. These portrails are correct.
(NOTE: this is what I am trying to prove through analyasis and comparison.)

2. among these are portrails of the Human need for Gods, power, companionship (this is important), and survival. (I'll add some more later)

3. Main Question: Are these portrails correct?

4. For the Companionship theme: I will compare the theme of Companionship is Fallout too the themes of Companionship in "Catcher in the Rye" the book of the Bible Ecclesiastes, and the poem "Dover Beach." From a previous analytical essay of mine, I showed than each of these books/poems contains one of the three facets of Companionship. I will use what I proved in that one to see if Fallout accuratly portrays this theme.

Thats all I can do for now, I will add some more later
No Monty Python!!!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-00 AT 00:52AM (GMT)[p]What about the downward trend the Simpsons took after Season 7, yet still retains its status as the best television program ever! If anyone cares what I mean about this, I'll elaborate by plagi... er... "borrowing" other theses off other web pages.
RE: Uh, come on some M.P. is funny as hell

The flying circus is funny as hell. Yes I do have to admit that some M.P. is quite strange but it makes great recognition in Speach contests.
RE: Monty Python really licks its mama's ass !

to quote myself xotor," god forbid anyone be entertained"

haha it takes the smartest minds to create the most base humor
Revision of Paper

Actually, i've changed my papers point, I am attempting to prove that Fallout portrays human nature accuratley and helps us understand it better. That is what I am going to try to prove using outside information form a variety of fields (i.e. Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Literary Study to name a few). I am NOT just going to point out instances in Fallout, I am going to try and prove that these "instances" are accurate and can increase our understanding of Human Nature. FIN!

"I can't get no Satisfaction!"
-The Rolling Stones
RE: No Monty Python!!!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-00 AT 02:21AM (GMT)[p]Only part I ever liked in Monty Python was the Black knight part.

"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"