To those who will actualy read this....
My storys not alltogether based completly in the fallout universe but it was heavily influenced by it.... its more like a sub universe.... many things are still the same but some are different so if doesnt make that much sense you can ask me and ill give you my best B.S responce i can...
I wrote it in the first person journal stylings just because i was bored... every entry is made from just writing the very first thing that came to my mind and then expanding on it with the next entry using the same method..... ya i have a pretty screwed up mind... but what can you do...
critisism would be apretiated id be intrested to know which journal entrys you liked and which you think i should re write....
Friday, April 13
How did things get so wrong so quickly i often wonder to myself...
When did i develope this immunity to life? and this contempt.... for well everything?... When did i lose my consience?
Was it yesterday?..
or mabey was it tommarow?....
have i had it all along?.....
Well whenever it was is or will be... I can only hope that i dont regain my composure any time soon....
Without it life is but a loop,.. even with it life still is.... but at least now i can laugh at it instead of getting laughed at by it.
Today was the same old usual crap...
Walking thru this nuclear waste dump looking for bullets and a excuse to get killed or kill someone....
When i stumbled onto this Jabbering one legged Scag..... Looked like he would do just fine.
He had the look and stench of someone who shoveled crap for a living. I could tell he was a complete moron from the moment i took a look at him, and shortly my theory was proven by him trying to befreind me.... When will people learn...
After a few minutes of dry conversation about how much he adored rocks and sand.... I couldnt take his idiocy or smell any longer....
I contemplated killing him.... but realized i would just be doing him a favor..... I dont want to be no stinkin hero.
I decided it would be best if i robbed him that way i could at least break his spirit and plant the seeds of contempt in him for his fellow man.... ya im a great guy i know..
I pulled out my gun and asked him to give me his most prized non rock possesion..
Well it took him by suprise to say the least .... He must have felt it would be a better idea to wet himself before thinking over my request.
Finaly the wheels in his brain began to turn and he gave up his pride and joy....
His damn shoe to the only good foot he had left...
Well this caught me by suprise even though i should have seen it comming.... but what in the hell was i going to do with a shoe anyhow??.....
and that fool was just smiling at my bewilderment....
I thought for a moment and came up a logical plan... and proceaded to beat him over the head with it.
He probably didnt like that one bit... but was to unconsious to say so....
I left him the shoe for the good time.... ya didnt fit me.. and left the fool to his rocks....
but not before i confiscated this bundle of paper and pen from his him...
looks like ill be keaping a journal of my heroic good deads from now on...
Saturday, April 14
Woke up today to discover a good sized rat knawing on the lower calf of my leg....
To thank it for waking me in such a pleasent manner I kindly returned the favor...
and sent him to the "great rat trap in the sky",..
Had rat stew for lunch today,...
tasted not so suprisingly like chicken....
Monday, April 16
Ive got a Headache the size of the crater that is now Los Angeles,...
and i cant take a drink without throwing up in my cantine...
if i ever see another rat it will be too soon....
Tuesday, April 17
I thought i heard some rustling in some bushes today...
So i decided It was best to be safe than sorry.... Just in case it was another Damn Rat....
and tossed two grenades into the brush.... Just in case there was more than one rat...
Well the good news is it wasnt a rat,....
but the bad news was it was a little boy around nine.... emphisis on the WAS....
However on a plus side..... It wasnt a rat.
Oh well... in a way ive saved that kid a life of missery and rats...
Some might even say i was a hero.
Wednesday, April 18
The sun is hotter than hell today,... Infact Hell sounds pretty damn pleasant to this right about now in comparison...
I wonder what its like their this time of the year?...
The sun just seams to sit up their and laugh its ass off my misery... while the air itself bubbles and boils in a way only air can do...
and to make matters worse all i can see for miles in every direction is rocks and sand....
Thursday, April 19
Its even hotter than yesterday and even more rockier and sandier......Hurrah!....
Ive just realized i havent hadnt had anything to eat or drink since my rodent incedent....
that was what?.... five days ago?...
probably best not to think about it... but its getting dangerous..
I found myself caught up in a dilerium based hallucination a few moments ago.... I had imagined that all the rocks were delicious meals...
I finaly snapped out of it when i chiped a tooth on a t-bone steak disguised as a peice o granite.
later i found my pack was full of rocks .... i must have figured I should save some of this delicious food for a later date...
Probably could have been alot worse however...
I could have dreamt all the cactus i saw were beautifull women... that could have been ended badly to say the least...
Well im sad to say this has happend before so im not to worried about the food thing.... Ive gone on longer than this without a meal.
But i nead some decent water or some undecent alcohol, and i nead some soon....
The only liquid i have on me is some barf in my poor cantine.... and ive just discovered its not drinkable..
Friday, April 20
Ive managed to find myself on a large plateau over looking most of the wasteland.....
And ive got the usual bad news.... bad news sindrome...
whats the bad news you ask?....
well without any liquid ill be dead in about two days ....
and what could posibly be worse than that you ask?...
well there is a town in the distance but it will take three days to get to it....
Saturday, April 21
I can feal my strength leaving me even as i write this....
the Hallucinations are gettin worse.... and today i spent four hours chasing a lovely oasis in the distance complete with beautiful naked women and palm tree's swaying lazily in the breeze....
I knew from the start it was dileria from the sun a horrific mirage...
but it was nice to see it anyways...
That was a wonderfull joke there God....
your a pretty damn funny onipotent being that you are...
Well time to face facts even if i drink my own piss im a gonner by noon tomarrow...
"My only regret in life is that im not someone else",.....
well good bye cruel reality hello cruel eternal bliss....
Monday, April 23
Suprised to hear from me well i certainly am,.....
however I figured god still had a few cruel jokes left to play on me..
Hell i was right and here i am.... chained and in some place dark and hot...
for reasons unbeknowist to me.....
I am writing this by match light which is a pain because it takes aproxamitly one match and a burnt finger... to write two lines of words....
I wonder if i have enough matches to finish thi*......
Tuesday, April 24
Well im guesing its around noon and there is just enough light in this oven to write that I wish I had a clue as to what the hell is going on.....
All i do know is that im no longer thirsty, however my stomach is getting tired of eating its own inner lining....
I myswell describe my suroundings since I have nothing better to do....
I seem to be in a large hastly made pit of some sort dug strait from the earth,...
I can not say how big since my leg irons prohibit me from taking a look see...
There seems to be nothing in here however except, yup you guessed it more dirt and rocks.... someone must be breeding them..
I guess it could be worse I supose...
I could be drinking my own piss right now... hoping for a another hour of life....
This place is how i imagine hell to be like...
So i just going to guess that this is hell.... not realy that bad however....
at least in hell your not thirsty.
Wendnesday, April 25
Boy, today sure was something else...
But im to exhausted, stuffed and very likely to drunk to write about it right now...
I think ill go find some pretty young thing and repopulate instead...
Thursday, April 26
Man what a night, I cant quite remember everything..
but judgeing by the size of my hangover i must have had one hell of a time...
I think ill sell this shotgun i picked up yesterday and try to top last nights performance before i sober up.
Friday, April 27
Ok im finaly ready to tell my tale,...
and dont worry ive only forgotten about half of it... Ill just make up the parts ive forgotten for consistancies sake.
So im sitting in my nice little hell carefully eyeing the rocks around me.... just in case they try and atack me when im not looking....
When suddenly the sky above me explodes into a bright white light with beautifull almost spiritual intesity..
Im stunned for a moment and soon I find myself being lifted to the heavens...
and about damn time im thinking,... My life hasnt been tormented for what?... two three days?....
Still blind, I stumble around trip over my own feet and introduce myself to the hard ground.
About this time my heavenly saviors began to speak amongst themselves...
Funny i didnt think they spoke hillbilly in heaven..
Finaly my vision comes back to me and I took a look around... An evil place indeed I remember thnking as i admired the bodies strung to sticks baking in the hot sun.
I turned to my heavenly hillbillys, who as it turned out looked very much like they spoke and stunk twice as bad...
Just looking at them hurt my eyes, so i focused my attention on a large sign behind them... On it in big ugly red letters read.... "Welcome to Hades",and under in smaller words.... "have an unpleasant time",...
Irony was the only word that came to mind, Shortly followed by "ow that hurt", and "Ive thought Ive already met you ground",
I remember hearing one of the hicks shout in a rhaspy voice...."Git up ya Varmit!",.. also quite ironic since he was the one who knocked me to the ground to begin with..
I decided the best thing to do would be to smooth talk my way out of this mess,....
you know use the ol' charm.
"Go throw yourself into a bullet", I hissed back.. once again followed by the very inteligent thought of "ow",.... Guess im a bit lacking in the charm department.
The slightly less hideous and bigger of the two men had a curiously stupid look on his face... It looked like the gears in his brain were trying to move but were to rusted over to budge...
Finally he had a break through....
"Er,.... Kill !?", he grunted pointing at me but looking at his partner hopefully....
"No you moron", he replied "If we kill him we wont get the reward", ....
"What reward?", i suggested.....
"Dont play stupid, Child killer !", shouted ugly hick number one,.... pointing to a scribble on a paper.
On the top of the paper in bold black letters it said Wanted for killing a Child, followed by a picture of a handsome fellow..... and ending with Two hundred Bullets Alive Only....
well now at least i knew why i had been kept alive...
I looked around summing up the situation.... They were armed only with a shotty shotgun a rusted machete and their inherent bad looks.... out of the three id say the ladder was the worse....
What pathetic bounty hunters i remember thinking to myself, but soon realized who was in the chains...
I took a look over my inventory,..... only a box of empty matches, a pen stuck snuggly behind my ear and my journal in the hidden pocket of my vest....I knew i should have put a weapon there....
Not much to work with i thought.... Although I could always whip out my journal and bore them with my comical life....
But in the end i figured that was just too harsh.... I may be a childkiller but im no monster.
I finaly came to the conclusion that i would have to think my way out of this one....
A few minutes later and I had devised a meticulous plan, but seeing as it involved gettin my head blown off i quickly gave up on it.
"Look freinds", i said... gesturing slightly with my hands as i talked.
The uglier one was doing his best to ignore me and the other ugly guy was too busy looking at a pile of rocks...... Obviously doing his best to pay attention.
It took me a moment to realize that he was looking in the exact direction my hand was pointing... this very obviously was the dumber of the two men...
I continued..... "I didnt mean to kill..... Watched as the stupid one grunted and looked around....that kid, I thought it was a rat". as I said this i moved my hand to where it previously was, and watched as the moron examined a clump of dirt where it now pointed.
Certain things seemed to set this machette armed lunatic off...
The words look and kill as well as pointing at things all seemed to strike his fancy.
The dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas slowly krept into my mind... But i quickly dismissed it because it was too simplistic and idiotic....
but then again I remember thinking while looking at the simple idiot in front of me....
"Hey Ugly !",.... I shouted,.... this seemed to get both the mens attention.
"Look over there !!", I screamed as i pointed and jumped up and down....... "Kill !!", I yelled....
For a moment nothing happend and I began to feel incredible stupid.
"What do you take us for....", said the smaller uglier hick... "...stupid ?".
His moron partner answered the question before i could... All I heard was a hellish scream and a chant of "Kill Kill Kill !", followed by the idiot in question running off into the distance where my finger pointed, Screaming and swinging his machette above his head...
I remember quite well the look of confusion and stupidity plastered on his partners face, as he watched his hired muscle run off into the sunset....
"Never underestemate the predictibility of stupidity",.... I said..... quite apropriatly i might add...
As he turned back to me I would like to think the last thought that ran through his little mind before he passed out was "!! SHIT !!"...
The key to my bonds was in his pocket, I made quick work of them and put them on ol' ugly.... and tossed him into hell .... aka that big hot hole in the ground....
The shot gun was empty as i had figured, and my suplies were neatly laid out about ten feet from the hole.
It was about this time that my stupid freind returned, covered in blood and sporting a huge grin... Under his arm was the biggest mutated chicken I have ever seen. I told him to put it down and calmly pointed to the hole in the ground and demanded "KILL !"..
He charged full steam never once thinking to stop... Im sure the fall must have broken a leg or two... but the screams eminiting from the hole proved that at least he was a dedicated idiot....
God bless stupidity.
Had mutated chicken that night for dinner, tasted not so suprisingly like rat.... I then hiked two miles until i got into town and planted myself in front of the nearest bar for a few hours and had one hell of a time
My storys not alltogether based completly in the fallout universe but it was heavily influenced by it.... its more like a sub universe.... many things are still the same but some are different so if doesnt make that much sense you can ask me and ill give you my best B.S responce i can...
I wrote it in the first person journal stylings just because i was bored... every entry is made from just writing the very first thing that came to my mind and then expanding on it with the next entry using the same method..... ya i have a pretty screwed up mind... but what can you do...
critisism would be apretiated id be intrested to know which journal entrys you liked and which you think i should re write....
Friday, April 13
How did things get so wrong so quickly i often wonder to myself...
When did i develope this immunity to life? and this contempt.... for well everything?... When did i lose my consience?
Was it yesterday?..
or mabey was it tommarow?....
have i had it all along?.....
Well whenever it was is or will be... I can only hope that i dont regain my composure any time soon....
Without it life is but a loop,.. even with it life still is.... but at least now i can laugh at it instead of getting laughed at by it.
Today was the same old usual crap...
Walking thru this nuclear waste dump looking for bullets and a excuse to get killed or kill someone....
When i stumbled onto this Jabbering one legged Scag..... Looked like he would do just fine.
He had the look and stench of someone who shoveled crap for a living. I could tell he was a complete moron from the moment i took a look at him, and shortly my theory was proven by him trying to befreind me.... When will people learn...
After a few minutes of dry conversation about how much he adored rocks and sand.... I couldnt take his idiocy or smell any longer....
I contemplated killing him.... but realized i would just be doing him a favor..... I dont want to be no stinkin hero.
I decided it would be best if i robbed him that way i could at least break his spirit and plant the seeds of contempt in him for his fellow man.... ya im a great guy i know..
I pulled out my gun and asked him to give me his most prized non rock possesion..
Well it took him by suprise to say the least .... He must have felt it would be a better idea to wet himself before thinking over my request.
Finaly the wheels in his brain began to turn and he gave up his pride and joy....
His damn shoe to the only good foot he had left...
Well this caught me by suprise even though i should have seen it comming.... but what in the hell was i going to do with a shoe anyhow??.....
and that fool was just smiling at my bewilderment....
I thought for a moment and came up a logical plan... and proceaded to beat him over the head with it.
He probably didnt like that one bit... but was to unconsious to say so....
I left him the shoe for the good time.... ya didnt fit me.. and left the fool to his rocks....
but not before i confiscated this bundle of paper and pen from his him...
looks like ill be keaping a journal of my heroic good deads from now on...
Saturday, April 14
Woke up today to discover a good sized rat knawing on the lower calf of my leg....
To thank it for waking me in such a pleasent manner I kindly returned the favor...
and sent him to the "great rat trap in the sky",..
Had rat stew for lunch today,...
tasted not so suprisingly like chicken....
Monday, April 16
Ive got a Headache the size of the crater that is now Los Angeles,...
and i cant take a drink without throwing up in my cantine...
if i ever see another rat it will be too soon....
Tuesday, April 17
I thought i heard some rustling in some bushes today...
So i decided It was best to be safe than sorry.... Just in case it was another Damn Rat....
and tossed two grenades into the brush.... Just in case there was more than one rat...
Well the good news is it wasnt a rat,....
but the bad news was it was a little boy around nine.... emphisis on the WAS....
However on a plus side..... It wasnt a rat.
Oh well... in a way ive saved that kid a life of missery and rats...
Some might even say i was a hero.
Wednesday, April 18
The sun is hotter than hell today,... Infact Hell sounds pretty damn pleasant to this right about now in comparison...
I wonder what its like their this time of the year?...
The sun just seams to sit up their and laugh its ass off my misery... while the air itself bubbles and boils in a way only air can do...
and to make matters worse all i can see for miles in every direction is rocks and sand....
Thursday, April 19
Its even hotter than yesterday and even more rockier and sandier......Hurrah!....
Ive just realized i havent hadnt had anything to eat or drink since my rodent incedent....
that was what?.... five days ago?...
probably best not to think about it... but its getting dangerous..
I found myself caught up in a dilerium based hallucination a few moments ago.... I had imagined that all the rocks were delicious meals...
I finaly snapped out of it when i chiped a tooth on a t-bone steak disguised as a peice o granite.
later i found my pack was full of rocks .... i must have figured I should save some of this delicious food for a later date...
Probably could have been alot worse however...
I could have dreamt all the cactus i saw were beautifull women... that could have been ended badly to say the least...
Well im sad to say this has happend before so im not to worried about the food thing.... Ive gone on longer than this without a meal.
But i nead some decent water or some undecent alcohol, and i nead some soon....
The only liquid i have on me is some barf in my poor cantine.... and ive just discovered its not drinkable..
Friday, April 20
Ive managed to find myself on a large plateau over looking most of the wasteland.....
And ive got the usual bad news.... bad news sindrome...
whats the bad news you ask?....
well without any liquid ill be dead in about two days ....
and what could posibly be worse than that you ask?...
well there is a town in the distance but it will take three days to get to it....
Saturday, April 21
I can feal my strength leaving me even as i write this....
the Hallucinations are gettin worse.... and today i spent four hours chasing a lovely oasis in the distance complete with beautiful naked women and palm tree's swaying lazily in the breeze....
I knew from the start it was dileria from the sun a horrific mirage...
but it was nice to see it anyways...
That was a wonderfull joke there God....
your a pretty damn funny onipotent being that you are...
Well time to face facts even if i drink my own piss im a gonner by noon tomarrow...
"My only regret in life is that im not someone else",.....
well good bye cruel reality hello cruel eternal bliss....
Monday, April 23
Suprised to hear from me well i certainly am,.....
however I figured god still had a few cruel jokes left to play on me..
Hell i was right and here i am.... chained and in some place dark and hot...
for reasons unbeknowist to me.....
I am writing this by match light which is a pain because it takes aproxamitly one match and a burnt finger... to write two lines of words....
I wonder if i have enough matches to finish thi*......
Tuesday, April 24
Well im guesing its around noon and there is just enough light in this oven to write that I wish I had a clue as to what the hell is going on.....
All i do know is that im no longer thirsty, however my stomach is getting tired of eating its own inner lining....
I myswell describe my suroundings since I have nothing better to do....
I seem to be in a large hastly made pit of some sort dug strait from the earth,...
I can not say how big since my leg irons prohibit me from taking a look see...
There seems to be nothing in here however except, yup you guessed it more dirt and rocks.... someone must be breeding them..
I guess it could be worse I supose...
I could be drinking my own piss right now... hoping for a another hour of life....
This place is how i imagine hell to be like...
So i just going to guess that this is hell.... not realy that bad however....
at least in hell your not thirsty.
Wendnesday, April 25
Boy, today sure was something else...
But im to exhausted, stuffed and very likely to drunk to write about it right now...
I think ill go find some pretty young thing and repopulate instead...
Thursday, April 26
Man what a night, I cant quite remember everything..
but judgeing by the size of my hangover i must have had one hell of a time...
I think ill sell this shotgun i picked up yesterday and try to top last nights performance before i sober up.
Friday, April 27
Ok im finaly ready to tell my tale,...
and dont worry ive only forgotten about half of it... Ill just make up the parts ive forgotten for consistancies sake.
So im sitting in my nice little hell carefully eyeing the rocks around me.... just in case they try and atack me when im not looking....
When suddenly the sky above me explodes into a bright white light with beautifull almost spiritual intesity..
Im stunned for a moment and soon I find myself being lifted to the heavens...
and about damn time im thinking,... My life hasnt been tormented for what?... two three days?....
Still blind, I stumble around trip over my own feet and introduce myself to the hard ground.
About this time my heavenly saviors began to speak amongst themselves...
Funny i didnt think they spoke hillbilly in heaven..
Finaly my vision comes back to me and I took a look around... An evil place indeed I remember thnking as i admired the bodies strung to sticks baking in the hot sun.
I turned to my heavenly hillbillys, who as it turned out looked very much like they spoke and stunk twice as bad...
Just looking at them hurt my eyes, so i focused my attention on a large sign behind them... On it in big ugly red letters read.... "Welcome to Hades",and under in smaller words.... "have an unpleasant time",...
Irony was the only word that came to mind, Shortly followed by "ow that hurt", and "Ive thought Ive already met you ground",
I remember hearing one of the hicks shout in a rhaspy voice...."Git up ya Varmit!",.. also quite ironic since he was the one who knocked me to the ground to begin with..
I decided the best thing to do would be to smooth talk my way out of this mess,....
you know use the ol' charm.
"Go throw yourself into a bullet", I hissed back.. once again followed by the very inteligent thought of "ow",.... Guess im a bit lacking in the charm department.
The slightly less hideous and bigger of the two men had a curiously stupid look on his face... It looked like the gears in his brain were trying to move but were to rusted over to budge...
Finally he had a break through....
"Er,.... Kill !?", he grunted pointing at me but looking at his partner hopefully....
"No you moron", he replied "If we kill him we wont get the reward", ....
"What reward?", i suggested.....
"Dont play stupid, Child killer !", shouted ugly hick number one,.... pointing to a scribble on a paper.
On the top of the paper in bold black letters it said Wanted for killing a Child, followed by a picture of a handsome fellow..... and ending with Two hundred Bullets Alive Only....
well now at least i knew why i had been kept alive...
I looked around summing up the situation.... They were armed only with a shotty shotgun a rusted machete and their inherent bad looks.... out of the three id say the ladder was the worse....
What pathetic bounty hunters i remember thinking to myself, but soon realized who was in the chains...
I took a look over my inventory,..... only a box of empty matches, a pen stuck snuggly behind my ear and my journal in the hidden pocket of my vest....I knew i should have put a weapon there....
Not much to work with i thought.... Although I could always whip out my journal and bore them with my comical life....
But in the end i figured that was just too harsh.... I may be a childkiller but im no monster.
I finaly came to the conclusion that i would have to think my way out of this one....
A few minutes later and I had devised a meticulous plan, but seeing as it involved gettin my head blown off i quickly gave up on it.
"Look freinds", i said... gesturing slightly with my hands as i talked.
The uglier one was doing his best to ignore me and the other ugly guy was too busy looking at a pile of rocks...... Obviously doing his best to pay attention.
It took me a moment to realize that he was looking in the exact direction my hand was pointing... this very obviously was the dumber of the two men...
I continued..... "I didnt mean to kill..... Watched as the stupid one grunted and looked around....that kid, I thought it was a rat". as I said this i moved my hand to where it previously was, and watched as the moron examined a clump of dirt where it now pointed.
Certain things seemed to set this machette armed lunatic off...
The words look and kill as well as pointing at things all seemed to strike his fancy.
The dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas slowly krept into my mind... But i quickly dismissed it because it was too simplistic and idiotic....
but then again I remember thinking while looking at the simple idiot in front of me....
"Hey Ugly !",.... I shouted,.... this seemed to get both the mens attention.
"Look over there !!", I screamed as i pointed and jumped up and down....... "Kill !!", I yelled....
For a moment nothing happend and I began to feel incredible stupid.
"What do you take us for....", said the smaller uglier hick... "...stupid ?".
His moron partner answered the question before i could... All I heard was a hellish scream and a chant of "Kill Kill Kill !", followed by the idiot in question running off into the distance where my finger pointed, Screaming and swinging his machette above his head...
I remember quite well the look of confusion and stupidity plastered on his partners face, as he watched his hired muscle run off into the sunset....
"Never underestemate the predictibility of stupidity",.... I said..... quite apropriatly i might add...
As he turned back to me I would like to think the last thought that ran through his little mind before he passed out was "!! SHIT !!"...
The key to my bonds was in his pocket, I made quick work of them and put them on ol' ugly.... and tossed him into hell .... aka that big hot hole in the ground....
The shot gun was empty as i had figured, and my suplies were neatly laid out about ten feet from the hole.
It was about this time that my stupid freind returned, covered in blood and sporting a huge grin... Under his arm was the biggest mutated chicken I have ever seen. I told him to put it down and calmly pointed to the hole in the ground and demanded "KILL !"..
He charged full steam never once thinking to stop... Im sure the fall must have broken a leg or two... but the screams eminiting from the hole proved that at least he was a dedicated idiot....
God bless stupidity.
Had mutated chicken that night for dinner, tasted not so suprisingly like rat.... I then hiked two miles until i got into town and planted myself in front of the nearest bar for a few hours and had one hell of a time