A Stupid Reputation Question

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funky draftsman

In the Calculator's lair, if you have your other team members shoot the brains, will this affect your reputation? I'm trying to get the last ending (I've gotten the other 3), but after my team & I shoot the brain, I get knocked down to "Warrior".
To answer my own question, yes, if your team members kill the brains, it affects your reputation. Thanks for the overwhelming responses to this question, you bunch of snot-licking rhino humpers. :-)
I'm guessing the board is dead. It makes some sense with some of the geniuses that have been posting! There are other FOT forums that seem to be having better traffic.
No shit. This place has been dead since it came back up. It's a shame, because this used to be a pretty comprehensive site for FO knowledge.

You are right my friend. These boards used to be a real community. It seems like only yesterday Matrix, Sweaty Testes, Roshambo, and I were hounding B.O.S. Knight for insisting he had found the Holy Hand Grenade in FO2, and bringing in fake screenshots to prove it (if my memory serves me). Haven't seen anything from Sweaty for a long time, nor much from ANY of the Moderators for that matter. And Matrix seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. Hell, I'm only here cause I waited so long to buy FOT. We can only pray for a Renaissance brought about by a well done FO3 (which seems less and less likely). Ah, how the mighty have fallen...

"Wouldn't It Be Nice If Everyone Would Just Die?"
RE: *Sigh*

this board is dead because FOT was such a horrible game compared to FO1 and FO2, i got to maybe the 3rd or 4th lvl in FOT and was so disgusted i threw the game in the garbage and uninstalled it off my computer, i've had FO2 ever since it came out and i still play it, even though i've only beat it once :D hehe, i always end up hating my characters.. but anyways thats why this board is dead, FOT sucks :P
RE: *Sigh*

I wouldn't say it sucks that bad, however I agree it is nowhere near the level of Fallout, or even Fallout 2. There is logic to your arguement, however.

"Wouldn't It Be Nice If Everyone Would Just Die?"
RE: *Sigh*

We'll you're all right. The forum did slow down ever since it got back up. It's not its fault, I think Fallout Tactics just lost interest due to a whole lot bugs. Anyways, back to Fallout 2. Any Mods in Progress for Fallout 2? :) It's been a while since i posted.
RE: *Sigh*

Quite a few posts here so I felt that I had to add one of my own.

So I see that I'm not the only one who has been quite disappointed with Fallout Tactics.
RE: *Sigh*

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-01 AT 02:26AM (GMT)[p]I have to agree on a few points; FOT is not on a par level with FO2. Don't get me wrong; I still play it (I've beaten it 3 times).

Also, it isn't this site's fault for lack of partisanship. If anything, I think this is one of the more comprehensive sites that I've been to.

I, too, remember Sweaty Testes, Matrix, etc. Matrix & I got into it a few times, but everything turned out cool. Oh well...

"Fallout 3 is dead; Long live Fallout 3.":-)
RE: *Sigh*

Yeah I agree with you on all those points but dont call Fallout Tactics - Fallout 3, I dont think it deservers to be the next Fallout of the saga. Lets just leave it as an idependent game :-)
RE: *Sigh*

Don't mistake what I was saying: FOT is NOT FO3. I was making a reference to the fact that FO3 will probably never be made, much to the dismay of true FO fans.
RE: *Sigh*

God, I'm too young to be thinking about the good old days... you probably are too Funky. BTW, wicked signature. "With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now, give us Fallout 3" (I'll post a better one when my mind is working properly).

"Wouldn't It Be Nice If Everyone Would Just Die?"