A thank you to the modders here


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I bought this game in 1998 on a bootlegged CD in high school from a friend, yeah those were the days, when you didn't have a CD burner in your PC yet, and it wasn't called a PC. Through the years I've come back again and again to this game and its community and scoped things out.

I've coma back again to finish a modding project that I've been working on for a long time and so I was reading through sfall code and scripting and self educating on the various projects and works done by modders here.

And I must say I am just BLOWN AWAY by the sheer amount of work that has been done by various people that are doing the backbone work here. For a 23 year old game I am just speechless at the amount of effort and love that has been put into the various projects here by people like, Mr. Stalin, NovaRain, Burn, and others whose work I'm less familiar with but should have their names mentioned.

You guys do a time consuming and thankless job and have truly done wonders for this game and have improved things immensely.

So I just want to take a moment and bow and salute and say... thank you.

My respect and regards.