A Website to Sojourn


Night Watchman
Staff member
Our own Wooz has started this great website, which is really fallouty in design (no kidding) and on which you'll find a veritable cornucopia of postapocalyptically inspired artistry, which is bound to permeate your crania.<blockquote><center>
</center></blockquote>Link: www.wooz69.com
A nice site, but graphics heavy.. the main page is has a half a mb background on it... lets hope he's not paying for bandwidth per byte transfered..

Nice site though Wooz.
Thanks for putting this up as a newsitem, guys. And many thanks for the cheers :)

Finally yes, the site is heavy. Per will flog me for abusing his 56K modem. Or flog his lizard. Or something.
That's kinda great.

J/K, Lame work Wooz.

Uh .. Yeah.

Nice, seen most of it before, but the new layout is nice, or would be if it were all ready. Anyways, nice work.