AAAH! Supermutants!!

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-06-01 AT 09:48PM (GMT)[p]Does anyone have any pointers on fighting these guys? I figured they always used heavy weapons so I should engage long range with sniper rifles, but then they dive for cover and I cant do anything. If i assault with my heavy weapon guys they always get shreded by the supermutants. In REAL life I would have tried to chuck grenades into those bunkers, but I cant do this in the game. I try to forcefire on the ground in the bunker but that never does anything, and if i step around the corner so i can actually see the supermutants, he kills me with his heavy machine gun. Any suggestions?
Always snipe, if they duck, then put the game on CTB and Aggressive mode, this way when they pop up you can hit'em automatically.. actually I've been playing the game on CTB all the time, it's so much easier and faster, except the harder part where I play turn base since I have to use burst and stuff..

anyway, make sure you're at a good distance that their burst isn't a threat to you, if you need to go up close, CTB may help since you have a good chance of bursting before they do if you know how to move your team (2-3 char max, as not to harm each other)
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-06-01 AT 10:57PM (GMT)[p]---
Also you can load/save cheat: If they drop to the ground and don't seem to want to stand back up again in CTB quicksave and then load. Lo and behold the stand up again :)

They wont pop up unless i get close. then i shoot them, then they laugh, then they ventilate me
super mutants don't seem to be very preceptive so if you have a really good sneak skill and steal skill. Then you can try putting bombs in their inventory and then blowing them up. there are three mutants at the very top of the hill with a hell of a range. Once you take those three out the rest are pretty simple. well, not simple but easier.
If you shoot them with a H&K CAWS (shotgun) for example on burst then they will die... At least if you shoot from close range..
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-07-01 AT 10:56AM (GMT)[p]*double mess*
burst of HK CAWS at close range only work, ONLY work under condition that

-you use fetchett shell
-you play at normal difficulty
-you score a 'hard hit', that means rolling good on damage table, yet not a critical (critical's better)

if you use normal shells, even critical wouldn't kill'em in 1 shot, or rather 1 burst
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-07-01 AT 02:08PM (GMT)[p]When I enter the map those mutie starts to piss blood.
Snipe them all!

Killed anyone whit one guy whitout taking any stimpack or medikit, in RTM.

My best perk is Save/Load :)
I killed them with the regular shells, on Normal level...
I havn't played on harder levels so I can't tell how it'll work there..
Also, whenever fighting enemies with machine guns, I like to turn formations on. I've found that when your guys are bunched together, burst fire will mess you up pretty bad in situations where you wouldn't take any damage at all being well spaced.
A good tactic I use is to line up my guys firing-squad like behind a building or wall. One guy gets to be the decoy and runs back and forth so the mutants fire at him but rarely hit him. When the mutants run out of ammo they come after him and get cut down by the firing squad. Instantaneous death!
Running around in front of entrenched supermutants usually gets me killed. Even my deathclaw didnt make it.
>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-06-01
>AT 09:48 PM (GMT)
>Does anyone have any pointers on fighting these guys?

The former suggestions were all good but since this is an RTS tactics game you really need a good combination of team members to take care of the supermutants.

First know your enemy i.e. scout for the threats. Identify possible threat areas i.e. usually buildings, bunkers and barricades. Plan your assault by using available cover, accessing the high ground then place your snipers before you start the fire fight (if possible). If you have a heavy weapons guy or a grenade thrower with decent sneak skills get them to a flank position or anyplace with decent cover (decent meaning that they can duck and be 100% concealed). Once they are in position put your snipers on aggressive and let them draw the supermutant fire. Take your WHGuy or Grenadier and pop up and down after the mutant has used up it's action points. The sniper(s) have a chance to throw off the rhythm, even eating away a few of their action points to recover, of the enemy and might give you pause enough to get some real lead fed to the mutant.

Just use tactics :)

Guess I was in the military too long but I'm pretty comfortable playing this game :)
Time is on your side

Don't get reckless with them. Just stay calm and wait them out.

You can snipe them from a distance and let them waist their ammo then they will charge you with only fists and you can trun them to swiss cheese with your other non-snipers.

If they duck behind something just get your big gun guys to lay down and crawl to where then are (Be sure to have at least 3-4 of them) and stand up all at the same time. If the mutant is behind somthing they wont see your guys getting close and they will try to stand up as your big gun guys shooting them. The snipers should have weekend them enough to kill them in 1 burst from each guy.

Just remember your not Rambo. Dont charge a muttant with guns blazing. wait them out and they will come to you, or use their cover to your advantage and sneek up to them.
RE: Time is on your side

Just to show the effectiveness of the sniping tactic. This is the way I completed the Osceolla mission.
I hid my entire squad in a wrecked building except for my best sniper (rebecca). This single char took out the entire mutant contingent (except for the underground level) with the sniper rifle in CTB, and, I still had ammo to loot from the SAW and M2 carrying muties. Its true that if you go up against those bursting muties with just ONE char, the chanche of they hitting you is almost neglible when you stay at comfortable distance.
Note: I have not used any cheats. Patched game.
