Abandoned Zagreb Cement Works

mr. pastorius

A Smooth-Skin
I've decided to pay a little visit to the abandoned cement works located in the suburbs of Zagreb. The facility has been out of commision for at least twenty years and, apart from several buildings being used for storage, it leaves a pretty eerie impression.
The weather has a story of its own. For the last couple of months it was either too sunny, and when it was cloudy the sky was too monotonous. Today, however, was almost perfect, apart from the clouds breaking at some places which is visible on a couple of pictures.
Since I haven't managed to get my hands on a decent digital camera, I had to use the 2mp camera on my K550i phone. In addition, my knowledge of photography is very, very basic.

So, great model + good conditions + lousy camera + photography noob =

Well, I wouldn't say that the PA setting of the area abord me particulary much - because that is what you seek to put across, right?

The buildings are too intact in colors etc etc.
Allot of the logic behind that structure (last picture) baffles me. It's very, D&Desque
I believe that's where the bags were filled with cement and loaded on trucks. I mean, it's at the very end of the complex.

Zaron, some buildings were renewed, adden on even. The three fresh-painted silos, for example. Everything else has been stripped down to solid concrete over the years. The steel tower may have been re-painted, but I doubt it since it has no use whatsoever. Besides, the paint used on it is probably more resistant to atmospheric conditions than the one used on the concrete objects.