I'm sorry if there has been threads about this, so don't flame me.
Well, I'd like to see better melee and hand to hand fighting in Fallout 3. I think it should be better balanced compared to long range arms. It's not too hard now, but hardly no-one tries melee character the first time they play, do they? I've been thinking about the ability to disarm opponents.
Think of a die-hard hand to hand ninja character. It would really make it more appealing, if they had the ability to kick or punch the opponents weapon away. You wait for that punk wearing power armor behind a corner, and when he comes to range you kick his gauss pistol away and finish him quickly. Think about it.
Well, I'd like to see better melee and hand to hand fighting in Fallout 3. I think it should be better balanced compared to long range arms. It's not too hard now, but hardly no-one tries melee character the first time they play, do they? I've been thinking about the ability to disarm opponents.
Think of a die-hard hand to hand ninja character. It would really make it more appealing, if they had the ability to kick or punch the opponents weapon away. You wait for that punk wearing power armor behind a corner, and when he comes to range you kick his gauss pistol away and finish him quickly. Think about it.