Pale Rider
First time out of the vault

Hi all, just decided to make another playthrough of FNV and this time, i downloaded the prima guide to see if i can find anything i missed the first time. But i'm afraid i just can't make out the denotations... like for Page 381 Doc's house 'Magazine: Fixin' things [Repar] [23/27] [9/32]'.... what's [23/27] [9/32]?!!! i've searched all over the guide for corresponding legends, it's neither entry nor co-ords i just can't figure it out. i was hoping someone here whom have used prima guides before could give me a heads up.
For that matter, i do question on the accuracy of this guide. before i went any further into the game i only referred to page 381 Doc's House to see if the details are really accurate, but i never found a repair mag in his house, only Today's Physician. Or did they mean it would become available or spawn at this location at some later event or time. And I don't see any doctor's bags in the list, only first aid boxes. Not too accurate i think: in addition to the carton of cigs there's 3 or so loose packs too right? these are not mentioned. there's definitely also a knife found among the shelves i remember, on top of a box.
i'm using page 381 as a reference... if it's not totally accurate on the first starting location should i be using this guide at all throughout the game? Or does anyone have any better recommendation maybe a mod or another guide which explicitly lists most or all interactable objects in the game?