ACLU wins victory over tiny cross in LA seal

It's California and the ACLU, combine the two and what do you expect?

CCR, what do you think of removing "Under God" from the United States Pledge of Allegiance? Since it was added in the fifties, to prove that Americans weren't like the godless Communists. Though I'm not really in favor of the Pledge, since it's rather meaningless. Reciting it is no show of Patriotism, it has lost it's meaning as a symbol through sheer rote recitation.
CCR, what do you think of removing "Under God" from the United States Pledge of Allegiance? Since it was added in the fifties, to prove that Americans weren't like the godless Communists. Though I'm not really in favor of the Pledge, since it's rather meaningless. Reciting it is no show of Patriotism, it has lost it's meaning as a symbol through sheer rote recitation.

I don't really care about that. Like you said, it was added by right wingers to prove to the world America's God-loving stance as oppoosed to the USSR's Douche-Loving stance.

But I don't realy see how it's such a big deal. I've never been to a class room where it's mandatory, and I only remember doing it at particularly patriotic occasions. It's not that important to have such a debate over it.

Still, this is some silly, fucked up shit. This is LA's History, and the ACLU is trying to destroy it. Damn I hate them.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Still, this is some silly, fucked up shit. This is LA's History, and the ACLU is trying to destroy it. Damn I hate them.
The cross has been on the county seal since 1957
It's not like it's really history, it's only been on there 47 years. Still, it's rather pointless.
I do agree that the "Under God" part should not have been added into the pledge of allegience, but it may well not be wirth the trouble to have it removed. Does anyone actually take the pledge completely seriously?
I don't know just what this pledge means to Americans, it could just be viewed as a meaningless formality, or many may see it as essential to being American.
I do agree that the "Under God" part should not have been added into the pledge of allegience, but it may well not be wirth the trouble to have it removed. Does anyone actually take the pledge completely seriously?
I don't know just what this pledge means to Americans, it could just be viewed as a meaningless formality, or many may see it as essential to being American.
Completely agree. I just don't think it's worth the trouble, and the Pledge is'nt what it was 50 years ago.

what to hate more: the ACLU, or the religious nuts; can't figure out which one is crazier....

Sander said:
the silliness

Yes, quite silly. Since we don't have enough problems going on, we have to invent/manufacture some, just so that we can be proud that we accomplished something. At least that applies for the ACLU.

Endnote: I tried putting the é on the capital E in ENFORCED, but was too lazy to make it work. So just read it like Shakespeare would want you to.