
Sam Ecorners

Vault Senior Citizen
So all of these "RPG" games coming out these days aren't really RPGs, but the lot of them are good games.

Mass Effect has a great style, great soundtrack and voice overs, pretty good graphics, but AFAIK(still playing it) a pretty moderate story and, being a Bioware game, no real choices/consequences.

Fable, is a beautiful, fairy tale adventure game, with some RPG elements. While it's fun to grind as a wood cutter, buy stores, play with the dog and explore the world, there is no real dialogue engine, the combat mechanics are as dumb as they get, so it's not a real RPG either.

So if those games aren't RPGs, what are they? I keep on returning to a term Adventure-RPG.
Incognito said:
So if those games aren't RPGs, what are they? I keep on returning to a term Adventure-RPG.

I love Adventure games more than any other genre and played a dozen of those. Neither one of the two you mentioned qualifies as an adventure so it's not fair to call them Adventure-RPGs.

Basically, anything with character customization is called RPG today so once you remove that from the picture you should easily (more or less ) determine game type.

Haven't played Mass Effect, but I would say Fable is a typical console action game. Actually the correct term would be for both of these games action RPG.
well, fable is more an action game with some rpg elements, but stat building is pretty standard in most games, the way I see it, " true"rpgs in themselves are slowly becoming a dying breed, elements are slowly being absorbed into other genres, while many of the elements that made rpgs great are being lost in translation.
Same thing happened with adventure games, their elements were absorbed by other genres over time as well. Although the genre was declared dead many times, luckily it managed to revive itself thanks to the faithful audience. Let's hope same thing happens for cRPGs.