advice needed from you experts:


First time out of the vault
hello. first of all let me apologise for my lame english! we can't all be americans right? :)
i'm using 45APC weapons MOD (from this site- great mo by the way!) and i wish to "modify the mod"- just to edit the weapons description and change their properties (such as MAX\MIN damage, range and such..) so i got this item editor (also from this site- the file name is FIME) and it's easy to use and cool- the only problem is my changes don't actually go into the game!

what can i try in order to make them happend?

waiting for your tips, and have a great day!

Hi, ryefield.
A) I don't know the mod, I'm giving you directions assuming it's in patch000.dat form. See, these .dat files are used to overwrite stuff from the original game. You'll need to unpack the mod dat, put the content in Black Isle/Fallout/data folder. Then get ridd of the modded dat. This is important. Then you'll be able to edit the protos. Odds are your changes get overwritten. If this doesn't help, then please give me more details. Someone (even me :wink: ) will give you more info/help.
1) thanks a lot for your answer. 2) more details:

ok it's like this: in my AMIN FO2 folder (c:\FO2\) ihave all the moded file (including .pro and .msg). i set all .pro file to read only and copied them and the .msg file into c:\FO2\DATA and into c:\FO2\DATA\PROTOS\ITEMS.

so i have them copied in every possible folder, just in case you know.. still not working! it's like the game loads it information from hidded .pro files wich i xuxpect contained inside on of the DAT files (all the files i moded were in my FO2 folder, i didn't export them from the DAT files! is that what i should have done??
OK i uninstalled and erinstall everything

to have a clean FO2 folder again. i repached it (now it have PATCH000) and put the MOD.dat in the main directory. now again: what i need to do is modind the mod-fles right (MOD.DAT)?
so i used DATexplorer to exract the mod into a temporary directory, and it have 3 folders in it: TEXT, ART, PROTOS. now, after i'll make my changes in the pro_item.msg (item text descreption) and the item*.pro files (for it's setting) i'm gonna have to re-pack it back into the original MOD.DAT file right?! cause i want my file to take over the old MOD's files. how do i do that?
A): In C:/Fallout2 you have to put a folder called Protos. This folder has to contain a folder for each game object, i.e. if you are making items there will be a folder called items ( if you make scenery then make a Scenery folder). This is required to make new protos. C:/Fallout2 folder does not require anything else.

B): In C:/Program Files/Black Isle/Fallout2/Data folder put all the Data/Items/protos/whatever folders contained in the mod. If the mod is in .dat form get a .dat unpacker program and unpack the mod. The unpacked data overruns the original Fallout2 stuff. Set everything to read only and run FIME: it handles the "read only" flag for you.
Remember to get ridd of/rename any mod/patch in .dat form.

Please tell me if this helps, otherwise I'll see what I can do. What you are trying to do isn't easy and straightforward though.
ok now it will clear thing out:

look at the image on the link, it's my C:\FO2 folder ok?

look at the attached image (lol i just used some kids forum for that)

1=this is the folder i unpacked\exported the longmod.DAT file into, just so i can edit the files. it contains TEXT and ART folder in it.

2=this is the original MOD DAT file.

3=this is the PROTOS folder i exported from longmod.DAT file, and copied it to the main FO2 folder as you said.

red marks=the original FO2 files ofcourse.

now it should work? [/url]
you have to make the new modified proto files READ-ONLY if you put them into your c:\fallout2\data\proto\items...

the game will automatically delete them if there not read only, found that out the hard way myself :P

I recommend putting your newly modded files all in the data folder rather then replacing the ones in your master.dat because...

a) eaiser to do
b) if you fuck up, all you have to do is delete your files you put in and the game will revert back to the original files

hope this helps
are you sure?

so what you're saing is that if ill put my deleted files in FO2\data\protos\items the game will IGNORE the MASTER.DAT's protos and read mine???

and if so, where do i put my item_pro.msg file? and the new FRM files?
simply put... make all your .pro files and item_pro.msg file readonly, and put them into your c:\fallout2\data\proto\items folder

For inventory frms, you do not have to make read only... put them in your c:\fallout2\data\art\inven folder

Boot up game and enjoy new frm and weapon damage table etc..

I cant get any more straight forward then that...
no, now you are very clear. thanks!

but still a few question (LOL, i don't want to make mistakes leading to more questions..):

1. should i still use modrunner and run the longmod.DAT mod? or is it like now when i did what you said i created a new mod, and i can delete the mod.dat file?

2. will the changes take place in my save games also, or must i start a new game?
1. No, just extract the longmod.dat and put the files in the folders there supposed to be in in te c:\falout2\data-- (making sure that the .pro and pro_item.msg is read only)

2.Yes... soon as you load up your game it wil have effect.